
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Oracle Description, User's Guide and Reference

8.2 Troubleshooting procedures

This section describes how to troubleshoot Performance Management. If a problem occurs while you are using Performance Management, first check for any of the events described in this section.

The following table shows the main types of problems that may occur in Performance Management.

Table 8‒1: Problems that occur in Performance Management




Problems relating to the start and setup of services

  • A Performance Management program service does not start.

  • The Oracle Database does not stop.


  • There is a delay from the time the start request is issued until the service starts.

  • Communication fails when another program starts a service immediately after a Performance Management program service is stopped.

  • The following message is output and the Master Store or Agent Store service stops: The disk capacity is insufficient.

  • The PFM - Agent Collector service does not start.

See the chapter that explains troubleshooting in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.

Problems relating to command execution

  • The name of an inactive service is output when you execute the jpctool service list command.

  • The data output by the jpctool db dump command is not the Store data you specified.

Problems relating to report definitions

  • During a certain period, the collected data is not shown in the historical report.

Problems relating to alarm definitions

  • A program defined in an action does not operate correctly.

  • Alarm events are not displayed.

  • Although the alarm threshold has been exceeded, the color of the alarm icon shown in the Alarm Status window of the Agents tree remains green.

Problems relating to collection and management of performance data

  • The PFM - Agent Store database remains large despite setting a short data retention period.

  • The following message is output to the common message log: Illegal data was detected in the Store database.

  • Performance data is not collected after PFM - Agent startup.


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