
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Oracle Description, User's Guide and Reference

8.1 When an error occurs

If an error occurs in Performance Management, follow the steps below.

Check events

Check the following:

  • What events occur when the problem is encountered

  • The content of messages (if output)

  • Log information such as the common message log

For details about the causes of messages and the action to take, see 7. Messages. For details about the logs that are output by Performance Management, see 8.3 Log information.

Collect data

You need to collect data to determine the cause of the problem. See 8.4 Required troubleshooting information and 8.5 Collecting troubleshooting information to collect the necessary information.

Investigate the problem

Identify the cause of the problem based on the collected data. Isolate the problem or all the areas affected by the problem.