
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Oracle Description, User's Guide and Reference

List of alarms

An alarm table named PFM Oracle Template Alarms 10.50 contains the alarms that are defined in the monitoring template for PFM - Agent for Oracle (10.50 indicates the version of the alarm table). This alarm table is stored in the Oracle folder that is displayed on the Alarms window of PFM - Web Console. The following table lists the alarms defined in the monitoring template.

Table 5‒1: List of alarms

Alarm name

What is monitored

Buffer Cache Usage

Buffer cache usage ratio

Buffer Cache Waits

Contention for data in the database and rollback blocks

Dict. Cache Usage

Shared pool

Disk Sorts

Percentage of all sort operations executed on disk using memory and disk I/O operations

Free List Waits

Contention on free lists

Full Table Scans

Percentage of full table scans

Library Cache Usage

Library cache

Redo Log Contention

Occurrence frequency of wait events

Server Status

Availability of an Oracle instance.

Tablespace Usage

Available tablespace