
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Oracle Description, User's Guide and Reference

Format of alarm explanations

This section describes the format used to explain alarms. Alarms are presented in alphabetical order. The explanatory format for each alarm is as follows.

Organization of this page

Alarm name

Indicates the name of the alarm name in the monitoring template.


Provides an overview of the programs that can be monitored by the alarm.

Main settings

Explains the main settings for this alarm in a tabular format. The alarm settings in the table correspond to the settings in the Properties window that appears when you click an alarm icon on the Alarms window of PFM - Web Console and then click the Properties method. For details about each alarm setting, see the Properties window for the particular alarm in PFM - Web Console.

Hyphens (--) in the Setting column of the table indicate that any value set for the item will be invalid.

If the abnormal condition is the same as the warning condition in a conditional expression, the system issues only the abnormal alarm event.

Related reports

Indicates the reports in the monitoring template that are associated with this alarm. You can view the reports by clicking an agent icon on the Agents window of PFM - Web Console, and then clicking the [Figure] icon for the Display Alarm Status method.