
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

E.1 Port numbers of PFM - Agent for Platform

Port numbers used by PFM - Agent for Platform are preferred port numbers.

If you do not change port numbers from their defaults when executing the jpcconf port define command, these preferred port numbers are assigned. If the jpcconf port define command is not executed, port numbers not being used by the system are automatically assigned when the service is restarted. If the logical host and physical host on a device (or multiple logical hosts) have Performance Management series program services, unique port numbers must be assigned among those hosts.

The following table lists the preferred port numbers used by PFM - Agent for Platform.

Table E‒1: Preferred port numbers used by PFM - Agent for Platform

Preferred port number

Service name




Agent Store service

jp1pcstou[_logical host name]#2

Used for recording performance data and acquiring historical reports.


Agent Collector service

jp1pcagtu[_logical host name]#2

Used for binding an alarm and acquiring real-time reports.


Service name of the services file


_logical host name is added for a logical host service, and is not added for a physical host service.