
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

E. List of Port Numbers

This appendix lists the port numbers used by PFM - Agent for Platform.

For details about the port numbers used by PFM - Manager, PFM - Web Console, and PFM - Base, and directions to pass through the firewall, see the appendix to the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.

You can also change port numbers to the desired numbers as needed by the user environment.

For details about how to change port numbers, see the chapter explaining installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide. The protocol used is TCP/IP.


Performance Management supports static NAT (Basic NAT), which converts addresses on a one-to-one basis.

Performance Management does not support dynamic NAT or NAPT (IP Masquerade, NAT+), which includes a port conversion function.

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