
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

12.4 UNIX-related data to be collected for troubleshooting

If you cannot eliminate the error even when you have taken the steps described in 12.2 Troubleshooting, you must collect data to identify the error cause and contact the system administrator. This section explains the data that must be collected when an error occurs.

Performance Management provides a command for collecting the necessary data in a batch. To collect PFM - Agent data, use the jpcras command. Data that can be collected using the jpcras command is indicated by a symbol in the table.


Data that can be collected using the jpcras command differs depending on the operations specified during command execution. For details about the options that can be specified for the command, see the chapter explaining commands in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.

Notes about logical host operation

The following notes apply to logical host operation:

  • During logical host operation, Performance Management log information is stored on the shared disk. If the shared disk is online, you can use the jpcras command to also collect the log information on the shared disk in the batch mode.

  • To investigate problems during failover, you need the information existing before and after the failover. This means that you need information from both the executing system and the standby system.

  • When Performance Management runs on a logical host, its startup and termination are controlled by the cluster software. Therefore, you need information about the cluster software in order to investigate a Performance Management that is running on a logical host. Compare the cluster software operation and the Performance Management operation.

Organization of this section