
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

12.3.2 Log files and directories to check

This section explains the log information that is output by Performance Management. For details about the operation status log output destination file name and file size, see the chapter explaining troubleshooting in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Common message log

This section describes the common message log, which is one of the logs that are output by Performance Management. The table below shows the service name or control name, which is the output source for the common message log, log file names, and disk usage.

Table 12‒1: Common message log file names


Log type

Output source

File name

Disk usage#1 (KB)


Common message log

Performance Management



(x 2)




(x 2)


Common message log (for logical host operation)

Performance Management for logical host operation




(x 2)





(x 2)


The number inside the parentheses ( ) indicate the number of log files that are created for each service. For example, 2,048 (x 2) means that a maximum of two log files, each with a disk usage of 2,048 KB, are created. In this case, the total disk usage is 4,096 KB.


The log file name of the common message log ends with 01 or 02.

Sequential file (jpclog) method

Log information is output first to a log file whose name ends with 01. When the size of this log file reaches its upper limit, the end of the log file name is changed from 01 to 02, and a new log file whose name ends with 01 is created. From this point on, log information is output to the log file whose name ends with 01. If a log file whose name ends with 02 already exists, it is overwritten. The latest log is always output to the log file whose name ends with 01.

Wrap-around file (jpclogw) method

Log information is output first to a log file whose name ends with 01. When the size of this log file reaches its upper limit, a new log file whose name ends with 02 is created. From this point on, log information is output to the log file whose name ends with 02. If a log file whose name ends with 02 already exists, all of its data is deleted first, and then log information is output beginning at the first line in this log file. Thereafter, the log output files are alternated.

For details about log file output methods, see the chapter explaining error detection in Performance Management in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.


The environment directory is on the shared disk that was specified when the logical host was created.

(2) Trace log

This section describes the trace log, which is one of the logs that are output by Performance Management. The table below shows the service name or control name, which is the output source for the trace log of PFM - Agent, and storage destination directory name.

Table 12‒2: Trace log storage destination directory name


Log type

Output source

Directory name


Trace log

Performance Management command



Agent Collector service



Agent Store service



Trace log (for logical host operation)

Performance Management command



Agent Collector service



Agent Store service



The environment directory is on the shared disk that was specified when the logical host was created.