
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

4.8.2 Restoration

To restore settings information for PFM - Agent for Platform, check the following prerequisites, and then copy the backed up files to their original locations. The backed up settings information files will overwrite the settings information files on the host.

  • PFM - Agent for Platform is installed.

  • PFM - Agent for Platform services are stopped.

  • For a logical host environment, the following conditions are also required:

  • A logical host environment has already been created, and the logical host name and environment directory have the same configuration as when they were backed up.

  • The logical host definition file has already been imported to the standby node.


    When settings information for PFM - Agent for Platform is restored, the product version number of the backed up environment and restored environment must be identical. For details about product version numbers, see the Release Notes. The following gives examples for whether restoration is possible.

    Cases for which restoration can be performed:

    Settings information backed up from PFM - Agent for Platform 09-00 is restored to PFM - Agent for Platform 09-00.

    Cases for which restoration cannot be performed:

    - Settings information backed up from PFM - Agent for Platform 08-00 is restored to PFM - Agent for Platform 09-00.

    - Settings information backed up from PFM - Agent for Platform 09-00 is restored to PFM - Agent for Platform 09-00-04.