
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

4.8.1 Backup

Perform backup in any way desired, such as by copying files. When obtaining a backup, first stop all PFM - Agent for Platform services.

The following table lists the files to be backed up for PFM - Agent for Platform settings information.

For other files, see the section that presents a list of PFM - Agent files to be backed up (for UNIX) in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.

Table 4‒10: Files to be backed up for PFM - Agent for Platform

File name



Settings files for the Agent Collector service


Settings files for the Agent Store service


Event file


Application definition file (version 09-00 or earlier)


Application definition file (version 10-00 or later)


Workgroup file


JPCUSER definition file

Table 4‒11: Files to be backed up for PFM - Agent for Platform (for a logical host)

File name


environment-directory#4/jp1pc/agtu/agent/*.ini file

Settings files for the Agent Collector service

environment-directory#4/jp1pc/agtu/store/*.ini file

Settings files for the Agent Store service

environment-directory#4/jp1pc/agtu/agent/jpcapp file#2

Application definition file (version 09-00 or earlier)

environment-directory#4/jp1pc/agtu/agent/jpcapp2 file#2

Application definition file (version 09-00 or later)


JPCUSER definition file


This file is backed up when log information collection is set. For Linux, however, this file is not installed.


This file does not exist unless process monitoring is set.


This file is backed up when workgroup information is set.


environment-directory is the directory that is created on the shared disk when a logical host is created. If no logical host has been created, backup is not performed.


When creating a backup for PFM - Agent for Platform, make sure that the product version number of the environment in which the backup was created is managed. For details about product version numbers, see the Release Notes.