
JP1 Version 11 for Windows Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

3.1.8 Examples of collecting information about used ports

PFM - Agent for Platform provides functionality to convert user-specific performance data output by users to text files (user-created data) into a format that can be stored in records provided by PFM - Agent for Platform (user data files). For details about user-specific performance data, see 6.8 Settings for collecting user-specific performance data.

The following shows an example for collecting used port information in PI_UPIB records as user-specific performance data. The following table describes the format in which used port information is stored.

Table 3‒14: Format for user-created data






The host name


The total number of TCP ports for the host


The number of currently active TCP ports for the host


The number of listening TCP ports for the host

To collect information:

  1. Create a batch operation for collecting information about used ports.

    In this example, a batch operation is used to collect information about used ports, as shown below.

    Batch creation example (D:\homework\sample.bat):

    @echo off
    echo Product Name=PFM-Agent for Platform (Windows) > D:\homework\userdata.tcp
    echo FormVer=0001 >> D:\homework\userdata.tcp
    echo tt ks lr lr lr >> D:\homework\userdata.tcp
    hostname > D:\homework\userdata.tmp
    netstat -ap tcp | find "TCP" /C >> D:\homework\userdata.tmp
    netstat -ap tcp | find "ESTABLISHED" /C >> D:\homework\userdata.tmp
    netstat -ap tcp | find "LISTENING" /C >> D:\homework\userdata.tmp
    set /p ks=
    set /p lr1=
    set /p lr2=
    set /p lr3=
    ) < D:\homework\userdata.tmp
    del D:\homework\userdata.tmp
    echo TCP %ks% %lr1% %lr2% %lr3% >> D:\homework\userdata.tcp

    The batch programs shown here might not operate, depending on the environment.

  2. Execute the batch operation created in step 1.

    The following shows the user-created data created as a result of batch execution.

    User-created data (D:\homework\userdata.tcp):

    Product Name=PFM-Agent for Platform (Windows)
    tt ks lr lr lr
    TCP jp1ps05 15 3 12
  3. Convert the user-created data created in step 2 to a user data file.

    The following shows example of executing the jpcuser command to convert user-created data into a user data file.

    Example of jpcuser command execution:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\HITACHI\jp1pc\agtt\agent\jpcuser\jpcuser" PI_UPIB
    -file D:\homework\userdata.tcp
  4. Use PFM - Agent for Platform to collect the user data file output in step 3.

    When PFM - Agent for Platform collects records, the contents of the user data file are stored in user records.