
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

2.2.5 Example of monitoring processes and services

By monitoring processes and services, you can check whether the system is running normally.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Overview of process and service monitoring

A system functions based on individual processes and services. Therefore, knowing the operating statuses of these processes and services is essential for stable system operation.

If the processes or services that provide the system's functionality terminate abnormally, the system will stop, resulting in serious adverse effects on operations. Therefore, it is important to monitor the initiation, termination, and startup status of processes and services, and to detect any errors quickly so that you develop corrective measures.

Using PFM - RM for Platform, you can collect the process operation status information from multiple monitored hosts and monitor it from PFM - Web Console. You specify the collection of process operation status information interactively using PFM - Web Console or by using commands.

PFM - RM for Platform monitors processes by collecting information from them. Therefore, note that even when processes and services are being monitored, their statuses are only reported when PFM - RM for Platform collects information from them, and not when their statuses actually change.

If collection processing that uses WMI or SSH is treated as a separate process (a core collection process) and this core collection process does not terminate within the specified time, performance information cannot be collected from a monitored target having the same instance for which collection has not been completed. A time-out occurs.

The following table lists and describes the records and fields that are used for monitoring the processes and services.

Table 2‒13: Records and fields used for monitoring processes and services



Field to be used

Description of value

Interpretation of value



Application Exist

Status of the application specified as a monitoring target

If this value is ABNORMAL, either all processes and services being monitored on a per-application basis are stopped, or more processes and services than necessary are running.


Application Status

Status of the application specified as a monitoring target

If this value is ABNORMAL, either one of the processes and services being monitored on a per-application basis is stopped, or more processes and services than necessary are running.



Command Line

Command line for executing programs

If no records have been collected, the process might be stopped.


Program Name

Program name



Display Name

Name used by the user interface program to identify a service

In all cases except when the application service (process) is running, the service might be stopped.


Service Name

Name of the service being used by the service control manager database



Status of a service when data is being collected

You can use PFM - RM for Platform to collect process operation status information by using one of the following methods:

The following table shows the records used for each of these methods.

Table 2‒14: Records used for collecting process operation status information (on a per-process or per-service basis)



Monitoring target

Information to be stored

Collection method



Processes in a Windows or UNIX environment

Stores performance data indicating the status of the monitored host's process at a given time.




Services in a Windows environment

Stores performance data indicating the status of an application service registered in the monitored host's service control manager (SCM), such as a Win32 process.


Table 2‒15: Records used for collecting process operation status information (on a per-application basis)



Monitoring target

Information to be stored

Collection method



  • Processes in a Windows or UNIX environment

  • Services in a Windows environment

Stores performance data that summarizes the records stored in the Application Process Overview (PD_APS) or Application Service Overview (PD_ASVC) record in the status, at a given point in time, on a per-application basis.

  • Real-time

  • History



Stores as performance data the records stored in the Application Process Overview (PD_APS) or Application Service Overview (PD_ASVC) record in the status, at a given point in time, on each process and service being monitored, on a per-application basis.



Stores performance data that summarizes the records stored in the Application Process Overview (PD_APS) or Application Service Overview (PD_ASVC) record in the status, at a given point in time, on each process and service being monitored, on a per-application basis. This stored performance data is more detailed than the Application Process Count (PD_APPC) records.


The relationships between the process name, program name, program path, and command line used for setting up process status monitoring are explained below using examples.

When the monitored host is Windows


When the monitored host is UNIX


(2) Usage example of templates related to monitoring of processes and services

This subsection shows a usage examples of alarms and reports, which are provided as monitoring templates, related to process and service monitoring.

PFM - RM for Platform provides templates such as the Process Existence alarm and the Application Status report.

(a) Alarms

The following table lists and describes alarms related to monitoring of process and service statuses.

Table 2‒16: Usage examples of alarms related to monitoring of process and service statuses



Record used

Field used

Error condition

Warning condition

Interpretation of value


Application Status


Application Exist

Application Name = * AND Application Exist = ABNORMAL AND Application Status = ABNORMAL

Application Name = * AND Application Exist = NORMAL AND Application Status = ABNORMAL

Either one of the processes or services being monitored on a per-application basis is stopped, or more processes and services than necessary are running.


Application Name


Application Status


Process Existence


Program Name

Program Name <> jpcsto.exe#1

Program Name <> jpcsto.exe#1

If no records have been collected, a warning or error state has occurred.


Service Stop


Service Name


Service Name = JP1PCAGT_7S#2 AND State <> Running

Service Name = JP1PCAGT_7S#2 AND State <> Running

If the monitoring-target service has not started, a warning or error state has occurred.


Service Stop(dsp nm)


Display Name


Display Name = PFM - Remote Monitor for Platform#3 AND State <> Running

Display Name = PFM - Remote Monitor for Platform#3 AND State <> Running

If the monitoring-target service has not started, a warning or error state has occurred.


Specify the name of the program to be monitored.


Specify the name of the service to be monitored.


Specify the display name of the service to be monitored.

(b) Reports

The following table lists and describes the reports related to monitoring of process and service statuses.

Table 2‒17: Usage examples of reports related to monitoring of process and service statuses


Report name

Displayed content of the report


Application Process Count

Operating state of the processes or services being monitored on a per-application basis


Application Process Status


Application Status

Operating state of an application