
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.14 Event Acquisition Conditions List window

The Event Acquisition Conditions List window lists event acquisition filters. This window can be used to add, edit, copy, or delete an event acquisition filter.

This window is displayed when the user clicks the Editing list button in the System Environment Settings window.

The new settings specified in the Event Acquisition Conditions List window are saved when the user clicks the OK button in the Event Acquisition Conditions List window, and then clicks the Apply button in the System Environment Settings window.

If the Apply button is not clicked in the System Environment Settings window, the new settings are abandoned.

For details about how to estimate the length of a filter condition statement, see the Release Notes for JP1/IM - View.

The following figure shows an example of the Event Acquisition Conditions List window.

Figure 2‒30: Event Acquisition Conditions List window (basic mode)


The following describes the items displayed in the Event Acquisition Conditions List window.

A filter is being applied

The ID and name of the event acquisition filter that is currently being applied are displayed.

Filter list

This area displays a list of event acquisition filters that have been created.

When the user selects and double-clicks an item in the list, the Event Acquisition Settings window opens so that the selected filter can be edited. The user can select only one item.

A maximum of 50 event acquisition filters can be registered in the filter list.

The user can sort the filter list by selection status (Apply column), by filter ID (ID column), or by filter name (Filter name column). Sorting is performed by clicking the corresponding column header. If the user clicks a column header once, the Δ icon is displayed in the column header. If the user clicks the column header again, the [Figure] icon is displayed. If the user clicks the column header a third time, no icon is displayed. If the Δ icon or the [Figure] icon is displayed, and the user clicks another column header, the current sorting is canceled and the list is sorted on the other column.

The sort order of the filter list is indicated by an icon displayed in the header of the column on which the list was sorted:

  • No icon: The event acquisition filters are sorted in the order they were added to the list.

  • Δ: The event acquisition filters are sorted in ascending order.

  • [Figure]: The event acquisition filters are sorted in descending order.


The event acquisition filter whose radio button in the Apply column is selected is the filter that is currently applied.


The IDs of event acquisition filters are displayed in this column. The user can change the ID of an event acquisition filter by using the Event Acquisition Settings window.

Filter name

The names of event acquisition filters are displayed in this column. The user can change the name of an event acquisition filter by using the Event Acquisition Settings window.


Clicking this button allows the user to add a new event acquisition filter. When this button is clicked, the Event Acquisition Settings window opens, where the user can set a new event acquisition filter. A maximum of 50 event acquisition filters can be created. When 50 event acquisition filters have been registered in the list, the Add button is disabled.


Clicking this button allows the user to edit the selected event acquisition filter. When the user selects an event acquisition filter and then clicks the Edit button, the Event Acquisition Settings window opens, where the user can edit the settings of the selected filter. This button is available when at least one event acquisition filter is selected in the Filter list area.


Clicking this button copies the selected event acquisition filter. When the user selects an event acquisition filter and then clicks the Copy button, a new event acquisition filter in which the same conditions as those defined in the selected filter is created and added to the list in the Filter list area.

When a new event acquisition filter is copied, an unused filter ID in the event acquisition filter list is automatically assigned in ascending order.

The new event acquisition filter that is created is assigned the default name Copy original-filter-name, and added to the list. After creating a copy of an event acquisition filter, if the user creates another copy of the same event acquisition filter, a number is added after the string Copy in CopyN original-filter-name format (N is a number). The first number used is 2, which is incremented each time the same event acquisition filter is copied.

When the Copy button is clicked, the new filter that has been created is selected as the filter that is currently applied.

When 50 event acquisition filters have been registered in the list, the Copy button is disabled.


Clicking this button deletes the selected event acquisition filter.

If this button is clicked when only one event acquisition filter has been selected, a dialog box displays the KAVB0250-I message.

If this button is clicked when multiple event acquisition filters have been selected, a dialog box displays the KAVB1149-Q message.

Clicking the Yes button in this dialog box deletes the selected event acquisition filter from the list in the Filter list area.

Common exclusion-conditions groups

A list of common exclusion-conditions groups is displayed in basic or extended mode.

Double-clicking an item selected in the list displays either the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window or the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window. The displayed window can be used to edit the selected item.

The differences between basic mode and extended mode are the number of conditions groups that can be set and the number of columns displayed in the list. For details about how to switch from basic mode to extended mode, see 4.2.4(3) Setting common exclusion-conditions in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide.

Basic mode:

A maximum of 30 condition groups can be set.

The displayed columns are Apply, ID, and Conditions group name.

Extended mode (if the version of JP1/IM - Manager is 10-00 or later):

The maximum number of conditions groups depends on the version of JP1/IM - Manager. The maximum number is 1,024 when the version of JP1/IM - Manager is from 10-00 to 11-10, or 2,500 when the version of JP1/IM - Manager is 11-50 or later.

The displayed columns are Apply, Type, ID, Conditions group name, and Comment as shown in the following figure. The items in a column can be sorted.


Extended mode (if the version of JP1/IM - Manager is earlier than 10-00):

A maximum of 1,024 condition groups can be set.

The displayed columns are Apply, ID, Conditions group name, and Comment as shown in the following figure.


The items in a column can be sorted.

If the user clicks a column header once, the Δ icon is displayed in the column header. If the user clicks the column header again, the [Figure] icon is displayed. If the user clicks the column header a third time, no icon is displayed. If the Δ icon or the [Figure] icon is displayed, and the user clicks another column header, the current sorting is canceled and the list is sorted on the other column.

  • If neither the Δ icon nor the [Figure] icon is displayed, the items are sorted in the order they were registered.

    If the version of JP1/IM - Manager is 10-00 or later, additional common exclusion-conditions groups are displayed below the common exclusion-conditions groups. In each category, exclusion-conditions groups are displayed in the order they were registered. Note that additional common exclusion-conditions groups might not be displayed below the common exclusion-conditions groups if any of the following operations is performed: Adding a common exclusion-conditions group, copying a common exclusion-conditions group (or additional common exclusion-conditions group), and changing the type of an additional common exclusion-conditions group.

  • If the Δ icon is displayed, the items are sorted by name in ascending order.

  • If the [Figure] icon is displayed, the items are sorted by name in discending order.


If the check box in this column is selected for an item (common exclusion-conditions group in basic mode, common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode, or additional common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode), the item is applied.


No icon is displayed for a common exclusion-condition that prevents an event from being collected. The icon [Figure] is displayed for an additional common exclusion-condition that prevents an event from being collected.

The icon [Figure] is displayed for a common exclusion-condition that excludes a collected event from action execution. The icons [Figure] and [Figure] are displayed for an additional common exclusion-condition that excludes a collected event from action execution.


The common exclusion-conditions group ID is displayed. The ID of a common exclusion-conditions group can be changed in either the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window or the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window. However, the ID of an additional common exclusion-conditions group cannot be changed.

Condition group name

The condition group names of common exclusion-conditions groups in basic mode, common exclusion-conditions groups in extended mode, and additional common exclusion-conditions groups in extended mode are displayed. Condition group names can be changed in either the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window or the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window.


The comments on common exclusion-conditions groups in extended mode and additional common exclusion-conditions groups in extended mode are displayed.


Clicking this button adds a new common exclusion-conditions group. When the Add button is clicked, either the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window or the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is displayed. The displayed window can be used to add a new common exclusion-conditions group in basic or extended mode. However, the displayed window cannot be used to add an additional common exclusion-conditions group.

A maximum of 30 common exclusion-conditions groups can be added. If the number of registered common exclusion-conditions groups reaches 30, the Add button is disabled.

In extended mode, the total maximum number of common exclusion-conditions groups and additional common exclusion-conditions groups is 2,500. If the total number of registered common exclusion-conditions groups and additional common exclusion-conditions groups reaches 2,500, the Add button is disabled.


Click this button to edit the selected common exclusion-conditions group in basic mode, common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode, or additional common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode.

When the user selects a common exclusion-conditions group (or an additional common exclusion-conditions group) and clicks the Edit button, either the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window or the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is displayed. The displayed window can be used to edit a common exclusion-conditions group in basic mode, common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode, or additional common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode. Note that the ID of an additional common exclusion-conditions group cannot be changed.


Click this button to copy the selected common exclusion-conditions group in basic mode, common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode, or additional common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode. Note that an exclusion-conditions group created by copying an additional common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode becomes a common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode.

When the user selects a common exclusion-conditions group (or an additional common exclusion-conditions group) and clicks the Copy button, a common exclusion-conditions group that has the same conditions that the selected one is created and is added to the Common exclusion-conditions groups list.

When a new common exclusion-conditions group is copied, an unused ID in the common exclusion-conditions group list is automatically assigned in ascending order.

The new common exclusion-conditions group that is created is assigned the default name Copy original-conditions-group-name. After creating a copy of a common exclusion-conditions group, if the user creates another copy of the same common exclusion-conditions group, a number is added after the string Copy in CopyN original-conditions-group-name (N is a number). The first number used is 2, which is incremented each time the same event acquisition filter is copied.

When the Copy button is clicked, the new common exclusion-conditions group that has been created is selected.

When 30 common exclusion-conditions groups have been registered in the list, the Copy button is disabled.

In extended mode, when 2,500 common exclusion-conditions groups have been registered in the list, the Copy button is disabled.


Click this button to delete the selected common exclusion-conditions groups in basic mode, common exclusion-conditions groups in extended mode, or additional common exclusion-conditions groups in extended mode.

If this button is clicked when only one common exclusion-conditions group has been selected, a dialog box displays the KAVB0257-I message.

If this button is clicked when multiple common exclusion-conditions groups have been selected, a dialog box displays the KAVB1151-Q message.

Clicking the Yes button in this dialog box deletes the selected common exclusion-conditions groups from the Common exclusion-conditions groups list.


Click this button to change the type of the selected common exclusion-conditions group in extended mode. The type can be changed only from the additional common exclusion-conditions group to the (normal) common exclusion-conditions group.

The type cannot be changed from the (normal) common exclusion-conditions group to the additional common exclusion-conditions group.

When the user clicks this button, a message box asks the user whether to change the type. Clicking the OK button in this message box changes the type of the selected common exclusion-conditions groups (from the additional type to the normal type).

Note that if the type is changed, the ID of the common exclusion-conditions group is changed.

The new ID to be assigned is the largest of the already defined IDs plus 1. If the new ID exceeds the maximum, the smallest available ID is assigned.

If the type is changed from the additional type to the normal type by mistake, the change can be canceled by clicking the Close button in the System Environment Settings window before the Apply button is clicked.