
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.13 Event Acquisition Settings (for compatibility) window

The Event Acquisition Settings (for compatibility) window is displayed when the event acquisition filter is used in Compatible mode and the user clicks the Configure button in the Event acquisition conditions area of the System Environment Settings window.

The Event Acquisition Settings (for compatibility) window is used to set the filter conditions for acquiring events from the event service. The following figure shows an example of the Event Acquisition Settings (for compatibility) window.

Figure 2‒29: Event Acquisition Settings (for compatibility) window


The following describes the items displayed in the Event Acquisition Settings (for compatibility) window.

JP1/SES events

Specifies whether to acquire JP1/SES events. When the Acquire check box is selected, JP1/SES events are acquired.

Event level

Specifies the severity levels of the JP1 events to be acquired from Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, and Debug.

When the Event level check box is not selected, all events for which a severity level has been defined are acquired.

Event ID

Specifies the event ID of a JP1 event. Multiple event IDs require a comma as a separator.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from Match and Does not match.

Note that the condition settings specified in this window are passed to the event service as a statement defining either of the following conditions: