
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Base User's Guide

6.9.2 Changing communication settings (with jp1hosts2 information)

This subsection describes changing the communication settings of the respective hosts.

The following table shows whether you need to change the communication settings for the hosts in the system configuration shown in Figure 6-8.

Host name

Communication settings of JP1/Base

Communication settings of event services

(edit of conf)

jp1hosts2 information

Communication protocol settings

hostA (physical host)



Not required

hostL (logical host)

Not required


Not required




Not required

Organization of this subsection

(1) Changes required for hostA (physical host)

Set up the jp1hosts2 definition file so that JP1/Base on each host recognizes the correct IP address.

  1. Stop products for which JP1/Base is a prerequisite and which have dependency relationships with JP1/Base.

    One example of a program that has a dependency relationship with JP1/Base is NNM, which is required to start the SNMP trap converter of JP1/Base.

  2. Stop JP1/Base.

  3. Edit the jp1hosts2 definition file.

    Edit the file as follows:

    # Associate with hostA and with hostL
  4. Execute the jbshosts2import command.

    jbshosts2import {-o|-r} [jp1hosts2-definition-file-name]
  5. Execute the jbssetcnf command.

    jbssetcnf physical_ipip.conf
  6. Restart JP1/Base.

    Also restart products for which JP1/Base is a prerequisite and programs which have dependency relationships with JP1/Base.

This completes the communication settings for hostA.

(2) Changes required for hostL (logical host)

  1. Stop products for which JP1/Base is a prerequisite and programs which have dependency relationships with JP1/Base.

    One example of a program that has a dependency relationship with JP1/Base is NNM, which is required to start the SNMP trap converter of JP1/Base.

  2. Stop JP1/Base.

  3. Edit logical_ipip.conf.

    Open logical_ipip.conf in a text editor or similar, locate the [LOGICALHOSTNAME\JP1BASE] parameter, and change it to [hostL\JP1BASE].

  4. Execute the jbssetcnf command.

    jbssetcnf logical_ipip.conf
  5. Restart JP1/Base.

    Also restart products for which JP1/Base is a prerequisite and programs which have dependency relationships with JP1/Base.


    In cluster operation, also perform steps 5 and 6 on the secondary logical host.

This completes the communication settings for hostL (logical host).

(3) Changes required for hostB

  1. Stop products for which JP1/Base is a prerequisite and programs which have dependency relationships with JP1/Base.

    One example of a program that has a dependency relationship with JP1/Base is NNM, which is required to start the SNMP trap converter of JP1/Base.

  2. Stop JP1/Base.

  3. Edit the jp1hosts2 definition file.

    Edit the file as follows:

    # Associate with hostB and with hostL
  4. Execute the jbshosts2import command.

    jbshosts2import {-o|-r} [jp1hosts2-definition-file-name]
  5. Execute the jbssetcnf command.

    jbssetcnf physical_ipip.conf
  6. Restart JP1/Base.

    Also restart products for which JP1/Base is a prerequisite and programs which have dependency relationships with JP1/Base.

This completes the communication settings for hostB.