
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Administration Guide

A.7 Cases in which settings are applied after a restart

You sometimes need to restart a computer to apply settings for JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. A restart is required in the following cases:

When a security policy is edited

If you edit any of the following items, restart the computer to which the edited security policy is assigned. The items inside the parentheses indicate the relevant security configuration items. After the computer is restarted, the edited security policy is applied to that computer.

# The settings of Suppression of Device Usage and Acquisition of Operation Logs are applied when a security policy is assigned. However, some settings of Suppression of Device Usage and Operation Logs might take effect after a restart.

When a security policy is assigned

Restart the computer to which the security policy is assigned. After the computer is restarted, the assigned security policy is applied to that computer.

The settings of Suppression of Device Usage and Acquisition of Operation Logs are applied when a security policy is assigned. However, some settings of Suppression of Device Usage and Operation Logs might take effect after a restart.

When security measures are manually performed

If you specify any of the following configuration items, restart the computer for which the items have been specified. The items inside the parentheses indicate the relevant security configuration items. After the computer is restarted, the security measures are executed on the computer.