
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation GUI, Command, and API Reference

5.5 Task Monitor view

Use the Task Monitor view to display the flow of a task or debug task when you want to check the flow progress or step status.

To display the Task Monitor view, in the left pane of the Tasks window, select the All Tasks menu or the Debug Executed Tasks menu.

Figure 5‒9: Task Monitor view


The following items are displayed in this view:

Task Monitor

If you select a task in the Tasks view or the Debug-Tasks view, the items described below appear. These items are not displayed if you select no task or multiple tasks.

Flow view

Displays the execution order of steps. Each step icon is displayed together with an icon that indicates the step status.

Double-clicking a step that uses the Flow Plug-in displays the flow of subordinate steps.

Double-clicking a step that uses the Repeated Execution Plug-in displays as many repeated-execution flows as the number of times the step is repeated. These repeated-execution flows are displayed after the Repeated Execution plug-in is started (they are also displayed during and after execution). Flow names are displayed in the following format: repeat-number_value-entered-for-repeated-execution (reserved.loop.input)

Flow tree view

Displays the names of service template flows hierarchically. Clicking a flow name displays the subordinate flows in the flow view.

Clicking Repeated Execution Plug-in displays as many repeated-execution flows as the number of times the flow is repeated. These repeated-execution flows are displayed after the Repeated Execution plug-in is started (they are also displayed during and after execution). Flow names are displayed in the following format: repeat-number_value-entered-for-repeated-execution (reserved.loop.input)

Display list box

Use this list box to select the magnification of the flow view. You can select 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%.

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