
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation GUI, Command, and API Reference

5.4 Debug-Tasks view

Use the Debug-Tasks view to check the information about debug tasks or to stop debug tasks.

To display the Debug-Tasks view, in the left pane of the Tasks window, select the Debug Executed Tasks menu.

Figure 5‒8: Debug-Tasks view


The following items are displayed in this view:


Information about debug tasks is displayed in table format. Clicking the header of a column switches that column's sort order between ascending and descending. The columns to be displayed can be selected by using the Column Settings dialog box. By default, a maximum of 5,000 tasks (including debug tasks) can be managed. Note that tasks other than debug tasks are displayed in the Tasks view.

Table 5‒7: Items displayed in the debug-task list (Debug-Tasks view)

Display item

Displayed by default




Displays the name of the task.



Displays the current status of the task.

Start Time


Displays the date and time that the task was started. The date and time displayed here is not updated even when the task is retried.

End Time


Displays the date and time that the task was ended. The date and time displayed here is updated every time the task is retried.



Displays the ID of the task.



Displays a description of the task.

Service Name


Displays the name of the service that generated the task.

Resource Group


Displays the resource group in which the task is registered.



Displays the category name of the service that generated the task.

Submitted By


Displays the name of the user who generated the task.

Service Template Name


Displays the name of the service template on which the service is based.

Vendor Name


Displays the vendor name of the service template on which the service is based.

Service Template Version


Displays the version of the service template on which the service is based.


Yes: Displayed by default, No: Hidden by default

View the Task Log button

If you select a task in the debug task list and then click this button, the task log dialog box appears.

Show Task Details button

If you select a task in the debug task list and then click this button, the Task Details dialog box appears.

More Actions menu

If you select one or more tasks in the debug task list and then click this button, the following items appear:

  • Stop Tasks

    If you select a task in an In Progress, Waiting for Response, or Abnormal Detection state and then click this item, the Stop Tasks dialog box appears. Clicking the OK button in the Stop Tasks dialog box causes the selected task to enter a Terminated state and then a Failed state. After the current step of the task is completed, the task is terminated.

  • Forcibly Stop Tasks

    If you select a task in an In Progress, Waiting for Response, Abnormal Detection, or Terminated state and then click this item, the Forcibly Stop Tasks dialog box appears. Clicking the OK button in the Forcibly Stop Tasks dialog box causes the selected task to enter a Terminated state and then a Failed state. After the current step in the task is terminated immediately, the task itself is also terminated.

  • Delete Tasks

    If you select one or more tasks and then click this item, the Delete Tasks dialog box appears. Clicking the OK button in the Delete Tasks dialog box deletes the selected tasks.