
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation GUI, Command, and API Reference

5.2.1 Task Details dialog box

Use the Task Details dialog box to check the input/output properties of tasks or the progress of jobs.

The Task Details dialog box appears when one of the following operations is performed:

Figure 5‒3: Task Details dialog box


The following items are displayed in this dialog box:

Task Information

Task information is displayed.


The name of the task is displayed.


The current status of the task is displayed.

Scheduled Time

The scheduled time for starting the task is displayed.

Start Time

The date and time of starting the task is displayed. The date and time displayed here is not updated even when the task is retried.

End Time

The date and time of ending the task is displayed. For tasks that have been canceled due to a schedule cancellation or restoration operation, the date and time of this operation is displayed here. The date and time displayed here is updated every time the task is retried.


The type of the task is displayed. Immediate, Scheduled, or Recurring is displayed, depending on the type of task.


The ID of the task is displayed.


A brief description of the task is displayed.


The name of the service that generated the task is displayed.

Resource Group

The resource group to which the task is registered is displayed.


The name of the category to which the service that generated the task belongs is displayed.

Submitted By

The name of the individual who executed the service that generated the task is displayed.

Submitted At

The date and time of service submission is displayed.

Recurrence Pattern

The recurrence pattern is displayed.

Recurrence Time

The recurrence time is displayed.

Recurrence Start

The start date of recurrence is displayed.

Configuration Type

The service template configuration type is displayed.


If you click this text, the input/output properties of the task are displayed.

Input Properties

A list of input properties is displayed for the task. The list can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the title of an item (column).

Table 5‒2: Items displayed in the Input Properties list (Task Details dialog box)

Display item



Displays the name of each property.


Displays the name of each property key.


Displays the property value.


Displays a brief description of each property.

Output Properties

A list of output properties is displayed for the task. The list can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the title of an item (column).

Table 5‒3: Items displayed in the Output Properties list (Task Details dialog box)

Display item



Displays the name of each property.


Displays the name of each property key.


Displays the property value.


Displays a brief description of each property.

Step Details

If you click this text, the Step Information and Steps lists are displayed.

Step Information

Displays information about the highest-level flow.


Displays the progress of the highest-level flow.


Displays the list of jobs defined in the highest-level flow. The list can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the title of an item (column).

Table 5‒4: Items displayed in the Steps list (Task Details dialog box)

Display item



Displays the name of each step defined in the highest-level flow.


Displays the status of each step.#1 This information is used to estimate the progress of the step.

Return Value

Displays the return value of the step.#2

Start Time

Displays the date and time of starting the step in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format.

End Time

Displays the date and time of ending the step in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format.


Displays a brief description of the step.


Instead of displaying the step status, you can display the processing status in the task-processing engine. Which type of status is displayed is determined by the setting of the task.details.jobnet.status.visible key in the property file ( By default, the step status is displayed.


The manual describing the return value of a step differs depending on the plug-in.

Basic plug-in

See the topic on the relevant basic plug-in in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference

Content plug-in
  • For return values from 0 to 63, see the topic on the relevant content plug-in in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference

  • From other return values, see the topic on the return values of content plug-ins in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide.

Enter Response button

This button is displayed only when the task is currently waiting for a response. Note that this button is not displayed if the selected task is a debug task. If you click this button, the Respond dialog box appears. If there are multiple steps that are waiting for a response in the task, the corresponding Respond dialog boxes are displayed in the order in which those steps began to wait.

Resubmit button

This button is displayed when the task is in a completed, failed, or canceled state. Note that this button is not displayed if the selected task is a debug task. Clicking this button displays the Submit Service dialog box in which the properties that were specified when the task was previously submitted are preset.

View the Task Log button

This button is displayed when the status of the task is not Waiting, Being held, or Canceled. Clicking this button displays the task log dialog box.

Download Log File button

This button is displayed when the task is in a state other than the waiting, on-hold, or canceled state. If you click this button, a download dialog box appears, which allows you to download a task log to a specified location, such as an operation terminal. The default file name for the task log to be downloaded is task_task-ID_1.log. You can rename the file and save it.

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