
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation GUI, Command, and API Reference

5.2 Tasks view

Use the Tasks view to check information about tasks that were processed by JP1/AO, or to terminate tasks.

To display the Tasks view, select the category of tasks in the left pane of the Tasks window.

Figure 5‒2: Tasks view


The following items are displayed in this view:


The information on tasks belonging to the category selected in the left pane is displayed in list format. The list can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the title of an item (column). The items to be displayed can be selected by using the Column Settings dialog box. By default, a maximum of 5,000 tasks (including debug tasks) can be managed. Note that debug tasks are displayed in the Debug-Tasks view.

Table 5‒1: Items displayed in the Tasks list (Tasks view)

Display item

Displayed by default




Displays the name of each task. If you click task, the Task Details dialog box appears.



Displays the current status of each task.

Scheduled Time


Displays the scheduled time for starting each task.

Start Time


Displays the date and time of starting each task. The date and time displayed here is not updated even when the task is retried.

End Time


Displays the date and time of ending each task. For tasks that have been canceled due to a schedule cancellation or restoration operation, the date and time of this operation is displayed here. The displayed date and time is updated every time the task is retried.



Displays the type of each task. Immediate, Scheduled, or Recurring is displayed, depending on the type of task.



Displays the ID of each task.



Displays a brief description of each task.



Displays the name of the service that generated the task.

Resource Group


Displays the resource group to which the task is registered.



Displays the name of the category to which the service that generated the task belongs.

Submitted By


Displays the name of the individual who executed the service that generated the task.

Submitted At


Displays the date and time of service submission.

Recurrence Pattern


Displays the recurrence pattern.

Recurrence Time


Displays the recurrence time.

Recurrence Start


Displays the start date of recurrence.

Configuration Type


Displays the service template configuration type.


Yes: Displayed by default, No: Hidden by default

View the Task Log button

If you select a task and then click this button, the task log dialog box appears.

Enter Response button

If you select a task waiting for a response and then click this button, the Respond dialog box appears. If there are multiple steps that are waiting for a response in the task, the corresponding Respond dialog boxes are displayed in the order in which those steps began to wait.

Show Task Details button

If you select a task from Tasks and then click this button, the Task Details dialog box for the selected task appears.

More Actions menu

If you select a task from Tasks and then click this menu, the items described below appear. You can select multiple tasks at a time.

  • Suspend Schedules

    If you select a scheduled task or a recurring task that is in a waiting state and then click this item, the Suspend Schedules dialog box appears. Clicking the OK button in the Suspend Schedules dialog box causes the selected task to be put on hold.

  • Resume Schedules

    If you select a task on hold and then click this item, the Resume Schedules dialog box appears. Clicking the OK button in the Resume Schedules dialog box causes the selected task to enter a waiting state if it is not past the scheduled time for starting the task, or to enter a canceled state if it is past the scheduled time for starting the task.

  • Cancel Schedules

    If you select a scheduled task or a recurring task in a waiting state or a task on hold and then click this item, the Cancel Schedules dialog box appears. Clicking the OK button in the Cancel Schedules dialog box causes the selected task to be canceled.

  • Stop Tasks

    If you select a task in progress, a task waiting for a response, or a task for which abnormality has been detected and then click this item, the Stop Tasks dialog box appears. Clicking the OK button in the Stop Tasks dialog box causes the selected task to enter a terminated state and then a failed state. After processing of the step in progress is completed, the task stops.

  • Forcibly Stop Tasks

    If you select a task that is in an In Progress, a Waiting for Response, an Abnormal Detection, or a Terminated state and then click this item, the Forcibly Stop Tasks dialog box appears. Clicking the OK button in the Forcibly Stop Tasks dialog box causes the selected task to enter a Terminated state and then a Failed state. The step in progress immediately stops, and then the task stops.

  • Resubmit

    If you select a task in a completed, failed, or canceled state and then click this item, the Submit Service dialog box appears. You can only select one task at a time. Check the setting in the Submit Service dialog box and then click the Show Plan button. The Plan Summary dialog box appears. To create a new task according to the specified setting, click the Submit button in the Plan Summary dialog box.

  • Retry the Task From the Failed Step

    If you select a task in a failed state and then click this item, the Retry the Task From the Failed Step dialog box appears. You can only select one task at a time. Clicking the OK button in the Retry the Task From the Failed Step dialog box retries executing the same task that was selected. The retried task is first placed in a Waiting state, and then the processing of the task is resumed from the failed step.

  • Retry the Task From the Step After the Failed Step

    If you select a task in a failed state and then click this item, the Retry the Task From the Step After the Failed Step dialog box appears. You can only select one task at a time. Clicking the OK button in the Retry the Task From the Step After the Failed Step dialog box retries executing the same task that was selected. The retried task is first placed in a Waiting state, and then the processing of the task is resumed from the step after the failed step.

  • Archive Tasks

    If you select a task in a completed, failed, or canceled state and then click this item, the Archive Tasks dialog box appears. Clicking the OK button in the Archive Tasks dialog box causes the selected task to be deleted from Tasks, which is then added to the list of histories as a task history.

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