
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide

1.2.6 Managing Item statuses system-wide

JP1/IM - Service Support can manage the status of Items across the entire system based on the Item information centrally managed in the Item management database. Item statuses are summarized for each process. From this summary data, you can collectively manage the statuses of Items being processed in JP1/IM - Service Support.

You can limit the information that contributes to the summarized Item statuses according to the access permissions of the user who views the information. This presents users with summary data that reflects their area of responsibility, allowing the identification of processes where a backlog of Items is forming and Items whose deadline is approaching. The following figure shows how Item statuses are managed according to the user's area of responsibility.

Figure 1‒7: Managing Item statuses according to areas of responsibility


The information systems administrator, who oversees all systems, sees data that summarizes Item statuses across every system managed by JP1/IM - Service Support. By comparing the statuses across the systems, he or she can address problems in specific systems through better load distribution or other improvements.

In contrast, the system administrator for system C sees a summary of Item statuses in system C only. He or she can identify backlogs of unprocessed Items in the incident management process and submit the issue for resolution by the process work board administrator.