
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide

5.3.26 Displaying a repeated execution flow during debugging

During debugging, for steps that execute a repeated execution plug-in, the user interface displays each iteration of the flow in the levels below the repeated execution plug-in. This is called a repeated flow. A repeated flow appears as soon as a repeated execution plug-in is executed (during and after execution of the plug-in).

The following shows an example of a repeated execution plug-in executed with hostA,hostB,hostC specified in the Input Properties (inputProperties).

Figure 5‒12: Flow displayed for repeated execution flow


The name of a repeated flow is displayed under the icon in the format iteration-number_input-value-(reserved.loop.input). Repeated flow names that are 65 characters or longer are truncated after the 64th character. If the Input Properties value contains control characters, names are truncated after the 64th character after removing the control characters. Note that iteration-number is a two-digit number. In the example in the figure above, the repeated flow names will be 01_hostA, 02_hostB, and 03_hostC.

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