
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Data Highway - Server User's Guide

2.8.2 Activating, inactivating, or deleting a guest user

To activate, inactivate, or delete a guest user:

  1. Log in to JP1/DH - Server. In the menu in the left side of the window, click Guest Users.

    The List of guest users window appears. The guest users are displayed in the window.

  2. Click the [Figure] icon of the guest user, and then select Activate, Inactivate, or Delete.

    • Activate: Activates an inactivated guest user. For the guest user whose account is locked, the account is unlocked.

    • Inactivate: Inactivates a guest user. An inactivated guest user cannot use JP1/DH - Server. After being activated, the guest user can use the system again.

    • Delete: Deletes a guest user. The deleted guest user cannot be restored.
