
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Data Highway - Server Administrator Guide

1.4.3 Prerequisite software

The following subsections describe the prerequisite software for a client PC.

Note that we might not be able to respond to an inquiry about problems that occur due to software for which support has been discontinued by the manufacturer or provider of that software.

Organization of this subsection

(1) In Windows

The following table describes the OSs and browsers that can be used when a client PC runs on a Windows OS.

Table 1‒3: Prerequisite OSs and browsers for a client PC (in Windows)

Prerequisite OS and software


One of the following OSs is required:# 1

  • Windows(R) XP Professional (32-bit) (Service Pack 3 or later)

  • Windows(R) XP Professional (64-bit) (Service Pack 2 or later)

  • Windows Vista(R) Home Premium (32-bit) (Service Pack 2 or later)

  • Windows Vista(R) Business (32-bit) (Service Pack 2 or later)

  • Windows Vista(R) Ultimate (32-bit) (Service Pack 2 or later)

  • Windows Vista(R) Enterprise (32-bit) (Service Pack 2 or later)

  • Windows(R) 7 Professional (32-bit or 64-bit) (Service Pack 1 or later)

  • Windows(R) 7 Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit) (Service Pack 1 or later)

  • Windows(R) 7 Ultimate (32-bit or 64-bit) (Service Pack 1 or later)

  • Windows(R) 8 (32-bit or 64-bit)#2

  • Windows(R) 8 Pro (32-bit or 64-bit)#2

  • Windows(R) 8 Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit)#2

  • Windows(R) 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit) (with or without Update)#2

  • Windows(R) 8.1 Pro (32-bit or 64-bit) (with or without Update)#2

  • Windows(R) 8.1 Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit) (with or without Update)#2


One of the following browsers is required:

  • Internet Explorer 7#3

  • Internet Explorer 8#3

  • Internet Explorer 9#3

  • Internet Explorer 10#3#4

  • Internet Explorer 11#3

  • Mozilla Firefox ESR 24

  • Mozilla Firefox ESR 31


Japanese, English, and simplified Chinese editions of each OS are supported. However, Asian fonts must be installed in a client PC to correctly display items registered in Japanese or simplified Chinese edition.


Operations on Modern UI are not supported.


For Internet Explorer, you need to enable the following functions:

  • Cookies

  • JavaScript (including the Ajax function and the DOM function)

  • Cascading style sheets (CSS)

  • SSL

  • Java applet

If the web pages are not displayed correctly or other page layout errors occur in Internet Explorer 8 or later, change the setting (on/off) for the Compatibility View function in addition to the above functions.


If you use Internet Explorer 10, specify the browser's settings as follows:

  • Disable the enhanced protected mode.

  • Add the URL of this server to trusted sites and disable the protected mode for trusted sites.

(2) In Mac OS

The following table describes the OS and browser that can be used when a client PC runs on a Mac OS.

Table 1‒4: Prerequisite OS and browser for a client PC (in Mac OS)

Prerequisite OS and software


OS X Mavericks


Safari 7

(3) Java software

The Java software that can be used for a client PC is shown below.

One of the following is required:


If a client PC runs on a Mac OS, use this version of the software.