
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Data Highway - Server Administrator Guide


This manual describes how to use Job Management Partner 1/Data Highway - Server (hereinafter abbreviated as JP1/DH - Server).

In this manual, Job Management Partner 1 is abbreviated as JP1.

Organization of this preface

■ Intended readers

This manual is intended for:

Readers of this manual must have:

■ Conventions: Text formatting used in explanation of Windows operation

The following table describes the text formatting conventions for Windows used in explaining operations:

Text formatting



Bold characters indicate text in a window, other than the window title. Such text includes menus, menu options, buttons, radio box options, or explanatory labels.

Screenshots in this manual are captured in an environment where the OS is Windows 7 and the browser is Internet Explorer 8. The windows displayed in your OS or browser might differ from the screenshots in this manual. For details, see Windows Help.

■ Domain on a directory server

If the word domain refers to a domain on a directory server, it is explained that way in this manual.

If the word domain is used without such an explanation, it means the management unit of groups in JP1/DH - Server.