
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide

5.7.6 Changing the color of graph series

You can change the colors in which graph series are drawn by editing the contents of the initialization file (config.xml). The following table describes the labels you can specify when editing the file.

Table 5‒4: Labels that determine graph series colors




The labels color1, color2, through to color16 in the <chart-symbolColors> tag.

Specifiable values

Specify RGB values separated by commas. You can specify each of R, G, and B in a range from o to 255.


Graph series are drawn in the color specified in the labels, in order from color1.

If you specify a value outside the specifiable range for any one of R, G, or B, the affected series is displayed in the default color. If you do not specify a color, the label is skipped. For example, if you omit color3, colors are applied in the order color1, color2, and then color4 and so on.

Any of color1 to color16 with valid values will determine the color of the graph series. For example, if three labels have valid values, those three colors are used as the colors of the graph series.

The following shows an example of specifying series colors in config.xml.

  <param name="color1" value="255,0,0"/>
  <param name="color2" value="255,200,0"/>
  <param name="color3" value="0,0,255"/>
  <param name="color4" value="192,192,192"/>
  <param name="color5" value="255,0,255"/>
  <param name="color6" value="255,255,0"/>
  <param name="color7" value="128,128,128"/>
  <param name="color8" value="0,255,0"/>
  <param name="color9" value="64,64,64"/>
  <param name="color10" value="0,255,255"/>
  <param name="color11" value="0,0,0"/>
  <param name="color12" value="255,175,175"/>

The following table lists common colors you can use in graphs.

Table 5‒5: Common display colors and RGB values

Displayed color

RGB value (R,G,B)

[Figure] (red)


[Figure] (orange)


[Figure] (blue)


[Figure] (light gray)


[Figure] (magenta)


[Figure] (yellow)


[Figure] (gray)


[Figure] (lime green)


[Figure] (dark gray)


[Figure] (cyan)


[Figure] (black)


[Figure] (pink)


[Figure] (olive green)


[Figure] (dark blue)


[Figure] (purple)


[Figure] (teal)


[Figure] (maroon)


[Figure] (green)


Note that the colors of graph series have changed in PFM - Web Console version 10-00. If you want to use the color scheme from PFM - Web Console version 09-00 or earlier, use the following procedure to edit the initialization file (config.xml):

  1. Open the sample initialization file (config.xml).

    The sample file can be found in the following location:

    In Windows:


    In UNIX:


  2. Copy the following two parts of the sample file.

    • The <chart-symbolColors> line

    • The lines from the <!-- immediately preceding sample setting pattern, to </chart-symbolColors>

  3. Paste the lines you copied into a text editor.

    The result is as follows:

                  sample setting pattern,
                  colors are used before Web Console 0910.
                  color1            : red
                  color12           : pink
                  not use Color Number at Graph type Circle.
                        : color1
              <param name="color1" value="255,0,0"/>
              <param name="color12" value="255,175,175"/>
              <param name="noUseCircleColor value="1"/>
  4. Remove the comment tags.

    From the pasted text, remove the comment tags (<!-- and -->) that enclose the lines from <param name="color1" value="255,0,0"/> to <param name="noUseCircleColor value="1"/>.

    Do not uncomment the preceding block that begins with the line sample setting pattern,.

  5. Apply the information you created in step 4 to the initialization settings file (config.xml).

    Apply the information to the initialization settings file (config.xml) in the following location:

    In Windows:


    In UNIX:


    The process for applying the information differs depending on whether you upgraded to PFM - Web Console 10-00 or later or performed a new installation.

    In a new installation of PFM - Web Console 10-00 or later:

    Replace the section from <chart-symbolColors> to </chart-symbolColors> in the initialization file (config.xml) with the information you edited in step 4.

    In an upgraded installation:

    Add the information you edited in step 4 to the initialization file (config.xml).

    The position where you add the information depends on what appears immediately after the </vsa> tag.

    • If a <draw> tag appears immediately after the </vsa> tag:

      Add the information you edited in step 4 between the <param name="maxDrilldownPoints" value="setting-value" /> line and the </draw> tag.

    • If a <command> tag appears immediately after the </vsa> tag:

      Add a <draw> line and a </draw> line immediately after the </vsa> tag, and add the information you edited in step 4 between those lines.

  6. Restart the PFM - Web Console service.

    The changes you made to the initialization file (config.xml) take effect, and the graph colors revert to the color scheme of PFM - Web Console version 09-00 and earlier.

For details on the initialization file (config.xml), see the description of the file in the appendixes of the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Reference.