
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

11.5.3 Discovery and static NAT

NNMi uses tenants to support networks containing overlapping address domains. Overlapping address domains might exist in the NAT area in the network management domain. Spiral discovery requires discovery seeds (tenant and address pairs) to identify each node before NNMi can discover and monitor each node. For details, see NNMi Help.

When you add discovery seeds to a static NAT environment (by using the nnmloadseeds.ovpl command or the NNMi console), make sure that you use a node's external (public) IP address. For details, see the nnmloadseeds.ovpl Reference Page.

We recommend that you use a domain name system (DNS) name that is not duplicated.