
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

2.21.6 Behavior when operations are restricted on users' computers

When a user attempts to start improper software, perform print operations, or use prohibited external media, the function of performing such operations might be restricted. It is convenient to use this functionality to restrict the movement of information to maintain security within a company.

Blocking startup of software

When a user starts unauthorized software or uses software that is allowed during a specified period only, the Software Startup Suppression dialog box might be displayed. The software might be automatically stopped depending on the usage status.

Clicking the OK button in the Software Startup Suppression dialog box closes the dialog box.

The following describe the notification messages displayed in the Software Startup Suppression dialog box.

Note that if the OS on a user's computer is Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, a dialog box is displayed on the desktop.

Notification of blocked software

Displayed when there is an attempt to start unauthorized software. The following figure shows a display example.


Notification of the time the software is available

Displayed when the software allowed for use during a specified period is being used during that period. The following figure shows a display example.


Notification of the time the software is unavailable

Displayed when the software allowed for use during a specified period is being used and the period will end soon. When the period has passed, the software is automatically stopped. The following figure shows a display example.


Blocking printing

When printing is performed on an agent-installed computer to which a security policy for blocking printing is applied, the Printing suppression dialog box for blocking printing is displayed. Clicking the OK button closes the dialog box.

Note that if the OS on a user computer is Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, a dialog box is displayed on the desktop.

The following figure shows the Printing suppression dialog box.


When allowed, the user can use a password to release the blockage of printing. To perform this, double-click the Block Printing icon ([Figure]) in the taskbar. The Release Printing Suppression dialog box (for entering a password) is displayed. Enter the necessary password, and then click the OK button.

Note that if the OS on a user computer is Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, a dialog box is displayed on the desktop.

The following figure shows the Release Printing Suppression dialog box (for entering a password).


If blockage of printing could be released, the Release Printing Suppression dialog box (indicating a successful operation) is displayed. The user will then be able to perform printing. If blockage of printing could not be released, the Release Printing Suppression dialog box (indicating a failure operation) is displayed. Clicking the OK button closes the dialog box.

If the user clicks the Block Printing icon ([Figure]) when a password for releasing blockage of printing cannot be used, a dialog box indicating that printing is being blocked is displayed. Clicking the OK button closes the dialog box.

Restricting use of devices

Reading or writing on external media cannot be performed on an agent-installed computer to which a security policy for restricting reading or writing on external media (such as USB devices) is applied.