
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

2.21.5 Behavior when distribution is performed on users' computers

When software is distributed, a balloon tip is displayed on a taskbar icon or a dialog box is displayed. To distribute software, you must create a package and task in the Distribution module. For a task, you can set an execution schedule for software distribution, execution timing of installation after software is distributed to target computers, and a message to be displayed before the installation.

The following describes the behaviors in individual cases:


A balloon tip is displayed on a taskbar icon when download starts or when a user logs on to the computer. The following figure shows an example of a displayed balloon tip.


A balloon tip starts with an icon which indicates the message type. The following are the meanings of the icons:

Whether to display balloon tips can be selected in the Agent Basic Settings view for the agent configuration. The following table describes behavior when balloon tips are displayed and hidden.


Message to be displayed

Behavior when the balloon tip is clicked

Action to be taken when balloon tips are hidden

Download starts

Downloading the package now... If you want to pause download, click here.

A dialog box confirming that the download will be paused, and the download is paused.

To interrupt the download, click the download icon.

Download restarts

A balloon tip is closed when 10 seconds have passed since it was displayed or when the [Figure] button is clicked. When you click a balloon tip, the behavior corresponding to the tip occurs. Note that, however, for Windows 2000, the [Figure] button is not displayed. (In this case, wait 10 seconds. The balloon tip will automatically close.) Also, for Windows 2000, nothing occurs when you click the balloon tip. The following table describes the timing balloon tips are displayed.

Computer status

Display timing of a balloon tip

Logging on

A balloon tip is displayed immediately after download starts or restarts.

If the user does not take the action indicated in the balloon tip, the same balloon tip will be displayed again when the agent service is restarted.

Logging off

A balloon tip will be displayed at the next logon.

Important note

When the computer OS is Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2, the icon in the taskbar is usually hidden (except when a balloon tip is displayed). To keep the icon displayed, customize the notification area of the taskbar (set the behavior of the jdnglogon icon to Show icon and notifications).


When a confirmation message must be displayed before the distributed software is installed, the message is displayed in a dialog box. The following figure shows an example of such a dialog box.


Immediate Installation button

Clicking this button immediately installs software on the computer.

Install later button

Clicking this button cancels installation of software. If the time specified for Notify later has passed, the same dialog box will be displayed again.

A dialog box is displayed before software is installed. The display timing of a dialog box differs depending on the computer status and the installation timing (execution timing) of software set by the administrator for the distribution task.

The following table describes the display timing of the dialog box.

Computer status

Execution timing

Display timing of a dialog box

Logging on

Installation will be performed at the next startup.#

A dialog box is displayed immediately.

Installation is performed immediately.#

Installation is performed when a user logs on.

Logging off

Installation will be performed at the next startup.

No dialog box is displayed.

Installation is performed immediately.

Installation is performed when a user logs on.

A dialog box will be displayed at the next logon.

#: If a computer is restarted when the confirmation dialog box for installation remains displayed or when the Install later button has been clicked, after the computer is restarted, installation will start without displaying the confirmation dialog box for installation.