
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

2.11.7 Importing asset information

You can import asset information by using a CSV file. By importing asset information, you can add or edit information about assets in a batch. You can import asset information by using the Import Assets wizard or by executing the ioutils importasset command. The following five types of asset information can be imported:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Hardware asset fields and formats in imported CSV files

Data in an imported CSV file must be in defined formats. The table below describes the hardware asset fields that can be imported and the defined formats.


When data in a CSV file is imported, the data is associated with the existing hardware asset information, using one of several fields as the mapping key. These fields are Asset #, Serial # (BIOS information), IP Address, MAC Address, Host Name, IMEI, and Contract Phone. When existing hardware asset information is associated, it is updated according to the imported data for the corresponding fields. When the existing hardware asset information is not associated, the imported data is registered as new hardware asset information.


In the Hardware Assets view of the Assets module, if a hyphen (-) is displayed for a field in the information area, the hyphen (-) changes to a null string after hardware asset information is imported. This is done so that hardware asset information can be correctly imported when exported hardware information is imported without change.


Format of data

Whether can be omitted

Asset #

Alphanumerics with 32 or less characters, and the following signs:

exclamation mark (!), double quotation mark ("), hash mark (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), ampersand (&), single quotation mark ('), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), asterisk (*), plus sign (+), comma (,), hyphen (-), period (.), slash (/), colon (:), semicolon (;), left angle bracket (<), equal sign (=), right angle bracket (>), question mark (?), at mark (@), left square bracket ([), backslash (\), right square bracket (]), caret (^), underscore (_), grave accent mark (`), left curly bracket ({), vertical bar (|), right curly bracket (}), and swung dash (~)


Device Name

A character string with 256 or less characters


Tracked Date

Write in the following format:


mmm: Month, dd: Day, yyyy: Year

If omitted, Jan/01/1970 is set when new hardware asset information is registered.



A character string with 1,024 or less characters


Asset Status

One of the fields registered in Asset Status.

However, you cannot specify Unconfirmed.

If omitted, In Use is set when new hardware asset information is registered.


Planned Asset Status#1

One of the fields registered in Asset Status.

However, you cannot specify Unconfirmed.


Planned Date#1

Write in the following format:


mmm: Month, dd: Day, yyyy: Year



Hierarchical structure of the registered department.

Specify the hierarchical structure with 512 or less characters and with 40 or less hierarchies. Specify each hierarchy name with 256 or less characters. Delimit hierarchies by a slash (/). You can omit a slash (/) at the beginning or at the end of the hierarchical structure. However, even if you omit a slash, one character is counted.#2

Example: /General Affairs Department/Administration Section/

If the specified hierarchy does not exist, a new hierarchy is created when data is imported.

If omitted, Unknown is set when new hardware asset information is registered.



Hierarchical structure of the registered location.

Specify the hierarchical structure with 512 or less characters and with 40 or less hierarchies. Specify each hierarchy name with 256 or less characters. Delimit hierarchies by a slash (/). You can omit a slash (/) at the beginning or at the end of the hierarchical structure. However, even if you omit a slash, one character is counted.#2

Example: /Building A/1F/

If the specified hierarchy does not exist, a new hierarchy is created when data is imported.

If omitted, Unknown is set when new hardware asset information is registered.


User Name

A character string with 256 or less characters#2



A character string with 256 or less characters#2



A character string with 256 or less characters#2



A character string with 256 or less characters#2



A character string with 256 or less characters


Serial #

A character string with 256 or less characters


Total Memory

A number in the range from 0 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (in bytes).

You can also add a unit of size (B, KB, MB, GB, TB, or PB) at the end. Do not enter a comma (,) as a delimiter.


Storage Capacity

A number in the range from 0 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (in bytes).

You can also add a unit of size (B, KB, MB, GB, TB, or PB) at the end. Do not enter a comma (,) as a delimiter.


Free Storage Capacity

A number in the range from 0 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (in bytes).

You can also add a unit of size (B, KB, MB, GB, TB, or PB) at the end. Do not enter a comma (,) as a delimiter.

This field is not imported if Device Type is Display.


IP Address

Write in the following format:


Specify a value in the range from to


Subnet Mask

Write in the following format:


Specify a value in the range from to


MAC Address

Write in the following format (x: 0 to F):

  • xxxxxxxxxx

  • xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx

  • xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Note that you can import data even if hyphens (-) and colons (:) are mixed as delimiters.


Host Name

A character string with 256 or less characters


Display Type

One of the fields registered in Display Type


Display Size

A number in the range from 0 to 256


Display Graphic Mode

One of the fields registered in Display Graphic Mode



A character string with 128 or less characters



A character string with 64 or less characters



A character string with 64 or less characters



A character string with 64 or less characters



A character string with 512 or less characters


Contract Phone

Numbers, hyphens (-), and plus signs (+)


Device Type

One of the fields registered in Device Type.

If omitted, Unknown is set when new hardware asset information is registered.



A character string with 256 or less characters



A character string with 256 or less characters



A character string with 256 or less characters


Custom Fields

Data type set in the Asset Field Definitions view (under Assets) of the Settings module

Y #3

Legend: Y: The setting can be omitted. N: At least one specification is required.

#1: A set of Planned Asset Status and Planned Date must be imported.

#2: If the data type is Text and characters for the field is restricted, data in a CSV file must follow the restrictions.

#3: Setting is required for custom fields that require input.


The fields to be imported do not have to be enclosed by double quotation marks ("). However, if the data to be imported includes a comma (,), enclose the data by double quotation marks ("). For example, when you import AB,CD, specify it as "AB,CD".

(2) Software license fields and formats in imported CSV files

Data in an imported CSV file must be in defined formats. The table below describes the software license fields that can be imported and their formats.


When data in a CSV file is imported, the data is associated with the existing software license information, using License # as the mapping key. When the existing software license information is associated, it is updated according to the imported data for the corresponding fields. When the existing software license information is not associated, the imported data is registered as new software license information.


Format of data

Whether can be omitted

License #

Alphanumerics with 32 or less characters, and the following signs:

exclamation mark (!), double quotation mark ("), hash mark (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), ampersand (&), single quotation mark ('), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), asterisk (*), plus sign (+), comma (,), hyphen (-), period (.), slash (/), colon (:), semicolon (;), left angle bracket (<), equal sign (=), right angle bracket (>), question mark (?), at mark (@), left square bracket ([), backslash (\), right square bracket (]), caret (^), underscore (_), grave accent mark (`), left curly bracket ({), vertical bar (|), right curly bracket (}), and swung dash (~)


License Name

A character string with 256 or less characters


License Type

One of the fields registered in License Type

If omitted, Install License is set when new software license information is registered.


Total Licenses

A number in the range from 0 to 2,147,483,647

If omitted, Unlimited is set when new software license information is registered. Do not enter a comma (,) as a delimiter.


Tracked Date

Write in the following format:


mmm: Month, dd: Day, yyyy: Year



Hierarchical structure of the registered department.

Specify the hierarchical structure with 512 or less characters and with 40 or less hierarchies. Specify each hierarchy name with 256 or less characters. Delimit hierarchies by a slash (/). You can omit a slash (/) at the beginning or at the end of the hierarchical structure. However, even if you omit a slash, one character is counted.#3

Example: /General Affairs Department/Administration Section/

If the specified hierarchy does not exist, a new hierarchy is created when data is imported.

If omitted, Unknown is set when new hardware asset information is registered.



A character string with 1,024 or less characters


License Status

One of the fields registered in License Status

If omitted, In Use is set when new software license information is registered.


Planned License Status#1

One of the fields registered in License Status


Planned Date#1

Write in the following format:


mmm: Month, dd: Day, yyyy: Year


Custom Fields

Data type set in the Asset Field Definitions view (under Assets) of the Settings module

Y #2

Legend: Y: The setting can be omitted. N: The setting cannot be omitted.

#1: A set of Planned Asset Status and Planned Date must be imported.

#2: Setting is required for custom fields that require input.

#3: If the data type is Text and the number of characters for the field is restricted, data in a CSV file must follow the restrictions.


The fields to be imported do not have to be enclosed by double quotation marks ("). However, if the data to be imported includes a comma (,), enclose the data by double quotation marks ("). For example, when you import AB,CD, specify it as "AB,CD".

(3) Managed software fields and formats in imported CSV files

Data in an imported CSV file must be in defined formats. The table below describes the managed software fields that can be imported and their formats.


When data in a CSV file is imported, the data is associated with the existing managed software information, using Managed Software Name as the mapping key. When the existing managed software information is associated, it is updated according to the imported data for the corresponding fields in the imported data. When the existing managed software information is not associated, the imported data is registered as new managed software information.


Format of data

Whether can be omitted

Managed Software Name

A character string with 512 or less characters



A character string with 128 or less characters



A character string with 1,024 or less characters


Legend: Y: The setting can be omitted. N: The setting cannot be omitted.


The fields to be imported do not have to be enclosed by double quotation marks ("). However, if the data to be imported includes a comma (,), enclose the data by double quotation marks ("). For example, when you import AB,CD, specify it as "AB,CD".

(4) Contract fields and formats in imported CSV files

Data in an imported CSV file must be in defined formats. The table below describes the contract fields that can be imported and their formats.


When data in a CSV file is imported, the data is associated with the existing contract information, using Contract # as the mapping key. When the contract information is associated, it is updated according to the imported data for the corresponding fields. When the contract information is not associated, the imported data is registered as new contract information.


Format of data

Whether can be omitted

Contract #

Alphanumerics with 32 or less characters, and the following signs:

exclamation mark (!), double quotation mark ("), hash mark (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), ampersand (&), single quotation mark ('), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), asterisk (*), plus sign (+), comma (,), hyphen (-), period (.), slash (/), colon (:), semicolon (;), left angle bracket (<), equal sign (=), right angle bracket (>), question mark (?), at mark (@), left square bracket ([), backslash (\), right square bracket (]), caret (^), underscore (_), grave accent mark (`), left curly bracket ({), vertical bar (|), right curly bracket (}), and swung dash (~)


Contract Name

A character string with 256 or less characters


Contract Type

One of the fields registered in Contract Type

If omitted, Fixed is set when new contract information is registered.


Contract Date

Write in the following format:


mmm: Month, dd: Day, yyyy: Year


Contract Start Date

Write in the following format:


mmm: Month, dd: Day, yyyy: Year

Y #1

Contract End Date

Write in the following format:


mmm: Month, dd: Day, yyyy: Year

Y #1

Contract Status

One of the fields registered in Contract Status

If omitted, Active is set when new contract information is registered.



Hierarchical structure of the registered department.

Specify the hierarchical structure with 512 or less characters and with 40 or less hierarchies. Specify each hierarchy name with 256 or less characters. Delimit hierarchies by a slash (/). You can omit a slash (/) at the beginning or at the end of the hierarchical structure. However, even if you omit a slash, one character is counted.#4

Example: /General Affairs Department/Administration Section/

If the specified hierarchy does not exist, a new hierarchy is created when data is imported.

If omitted, Unknown is set when new hardware asset information is registered.


Payment Mode

Either of the following:

  • Monthly

  • Lump Sum


Monthly Cost

A number in the range from 0 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

Write this field when Payment Mode is Monthly. Do not enter a comma (,) as a delimiter.


Total Cost

A number in the range from 0 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

Write this field when Payment Mode is Lump Sum. Do not enter a comma (,) as a delimiter.

Y #2


A character string with 1,024 or less characters


Custom Fields

Data type set in the Asset Field Definitions view (under Assets) of the Settings module

Y #3

Legend: Y: The setting can be omitted. N: The setting cannot be omitted.

#1: When Payment Mode is Monthly, Contract Start Date, Contract End Date, and Monthly Cost must be set.

#2: Setting is required when Payment Mode is Lump Sum.

#3: For custom fields that require input, be sure to set for the field.

#4: If the data type is Text and the number of characters for the field is restricted, data in a CSV file must follow the restrictions.


The fields to be imported do not have to be enclosed by double quotation marks ("). However, if the data to be imported includes a comma (,), enclose the data by double quotation marks ("). For example, when you import AB,CD, specify it as "AB,CD".

(5) Contract vendor fields and formats in imported CSV files

Data in an imported CSV file must be in defined formats. The table below describes the contract vendor fields that can be imported and their formats.


When data in a CSV file is imported, the data is associated with the existing contract vendor information, using Contract Vendor Name as the mapping key. When the contract vendor information is associated, it is updated according to the imported data for the corresponding fields. When the contract vendor information is not associated, the imported data is registered as new contract vendor information.


Format of data

Whether can be omitted

Contract Vendor Name

A character string with 256 or less characters



A character string with 256 or less characters



A number with 256 or less characters, hyphen (-), or plus sign (+)



A character string with 256 or less characters


Contact Person

A character string with 256 or less characters



A character string with 1,024 or less characters


Legend: Y: The setting can be omitted. N: The setting cannot be omitted.


The fields to be imported do not have to be enclosed by double quotation marks ("). However, if the data to be imported includes a comma (,), enclose the data by double quotation marks ("). For example, when you import AB,CD, specify it as "AB,CD".