
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

2.11 Managing assets

You can use JP1/IT Desktop Management to centrally manage information about assets, such as devices, software licenses, and contracts that are managed within an organization.

This will help you efficiently manage assets. You can list assets and manage them as though in a ledger. You can also define relationships between assets. By doing this, for example, you can quickly check the contracts that were made for devices or the usage status of software licenses.

By using JP1/IT Desktop Management for asset management, you can manage devices that do not have IP addresses, such as displays and USB memory devices, as well as devices with IP addresses. You can also add customer-specific information as extended information.

JP1/IT Desktop Management supports the following asset management tasks:

Managing hardware assets

You can manage information about owned devices, such as computers, servers, printers, network devices, and USB devices, as hardware asset information. As well as being able to manage detailed information about hardware assets, you can check the status of hardware assets within an organization. You can manage the status, for example, by organizing hardware into categories, such as In Use, In Stock, or Disposed.

Managing software licenses

You can manage information about owned software licenses and the usage status of individual software licenses. You can not only manage the total number of licenses, but also check for computers that use licenses without permission (after licenses are assigned to individual computers).

Managing asset contracts

You can register information about contracts for hardware assets and software licenses (such as support contracts, rental contracts, or lease contracts), and manage the information about individual contracts associated with individual assets. You can check contracts for which the expiration date is approaching, which will help you schedule a work plan.

Managing costs for assets

By managing information about contracts regarding hardware assets and software licenses, you can check the costs for those assets. By utilizing this information, you can check for unnecessary costs or estimate the costs necessary for maintaining assets.

This section describes how to use JP1/IT Desktop Management for those tasks. Refer to the description related to your target task.

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