
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Data Highway - Automatic Job Executor Operation manual


AJSJOBNAME: Job name, AJS_AJSCONF: Scheduler service name, AJSEXECID: Job execution ID, JobID: Job number, COMMAND: (UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD), Return Code: Return code of the data transfer command, Contents: The message starts with Message ID(DWCxxxx-E) among messages the data transfer command displays.(If two or more messages exist, display message which is combined with comma (,) and these messages.)

The send/receive data command displays the above result when the command ended abnormally.


Terminates the processing.


The send/receive data command displays this message when the command ended abnormally. Confirm the contents of error which occurred during the executing of the send/receive data command, and make a request to execute the send/receive data command again after removing the error factor.

  • Check whether the settings you specified in the DH Custom Job Definition window is valid.

  • Check whether the settings of Data Highway - Server you specified is valid.

  • The value outputted to AJSJOBNAME, AJS_AJSCONF, AJSEXECID and JobID is the value of environment variable which is set by JP1/AJS3. Use the command when you need to specify the job of JP1/AJS3. For more information the environment variable, refer to the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

  • The value outputted to COMMAND indicates the send/receive data command which was executed by JP1/AJS3 is whether the send command or the receive command.

  • The return code of the send/receive data command is outputted to Return Code.

  • The error message of the executed send/receive data command is displayed in the Contents.

This message is displayed when there are no files to receive and you selected "Ended with Warning" at "Behavior in the state without a file/folder to receive" on the Receive custom job dialog. In this case, message "Receiving file not found." is displayed in the Contents.