
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Data Highway - Automatic Job Executor Operation manual


AJSJOBNAME: Job name, AJS_AJSCONF: Scheduler service name, AJSEXECID: Job execution ID, JobID:Job number, COMMAND: (UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD), Return Code: Return code of the data transfer command

The send/receive data command displays the above result when the command ended normally.




The send/receive data command displays this message when the command ended normally.

  • The value outputted to AJSJOBNAME, AJS_AJSCONF, AJSEXECID and JobID is the value of environment variable which is set by JP1/AJS3. Use the command when you need to specify the job of JP1/AJS3. For more information the environment variable, refer to the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

  • The value outputted to COMMAND indicates the send/receive data command which was executed by JP1/AJS3 is whether the send command or the receive command.

  • The return code of the send/receive data command is outputted to Return Code.