
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

15.3.38 Monitor Details - [Jobnet] dialog box

The Monitor Details - [Jobnet] dialog box allows you to check the execution status of the selected jobnet (jobnet, remote jobnet, or jobnet connector) and the details about the execution result. The type of dialog box to be displayed differs depending on the icon you choose. The following describes the dialog box to be displayed for each case.

Each of the following two groups of dialog boxes displays the same items.

The following figures show the Monitor Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a root jobnet) and the Monitor Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box.

Figure 15‒65: Monitor Details - [Jobnet] dialog box


Figure 15‒66: Monitor Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Unit name

Displays the full path name of a unit.


Displays the status of the unit.

Change plan

Displays whether any plan in the unit has been changed.


Displays whether or not the execution of the unit is suspended.

The displayed information differs depending on the hold setting. The following table lists the character strings that can be displayed and the corresponding hold settings.

Table 15‒20: Hold statuses displayed in the Monitor Details - [Jobnet] dialog box and in the Monitor Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box, and their corresponding hold settings


Hold setting

Follow the definition. (Hold)

Yes is selected for Hold in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box.

Follow the definition. (Do not hold)

No is selected for Hold in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box.

Follow the definition. (Hold if prev. = 'abend')

Hold if prev. = 'abend' is selected for Hold in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box.

Follow the definition. (Hold if prev. = 'warning' or 'abend')

Hold if prev. = 'warning' or 'abend' is selected for Hold in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box.


  • From the Operations menu, Change Hold Attribute is selected, and then Hold is selected.

  • Hold is selected in the Holding field of the Register for Execution dialog box.


From the Operations menu, Change Hold Attribute is selected, and then Hold-Release is selected.

Scheduled start time

Displays the time at which to start executing the unit.

Start time

Displays the time when the execution of the unit started.

The execution start date and time displayed here are the date and time when the unit entered the Now running status on the manager host.

To check the actual date and time when a job began to be executed on the agent, execute the ajsshow command. In the ajsshow command, specify the date and time when job execution started on another host (%V) in the format indicator.

For details about the ajsshow command, see ajsshow in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

Rerun start time

Displays the time when the re-execution of the unit started.

When the unit is re-executed, the rerun start time is set for the upper-level jobnet at the rerun start point.

However, the rerun start time is not set for the root jobnet if the root jobnet is being executed. If the root jobnet has terminated and the root jobnet has been specified for the rerun start point, the rerun start time is exclusively set for the root jobnet.

End time

Displays the time when the execution of the unit ended.

The execution end date and time displayed here are the date and time when the unit entered the end status on the manager host.

To check the actual date and time when a job ended on the agent, execute the ajsshow command. In the ajsshow command, specify the date and time when job execution ended on another host (%Q) in the format indicator.

For details about the ajsshow command, see ajsshow in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

Delay status

Displays the delay status of the unit.

Time when start delayed

Displays the start time for monitoring for a start delay.

Time when end delayed

Displays the date and time for monitoring an end delay.

For monitoring of an end delay for the scheduled end time in the schedule, the system assumes the following to be the time when the end is delayed: relative time from the scheduled start time and absolute time of the scheduled end.

When an end delay is monitored based on the time required for execution, this text box shows the number of days and hours from the start date and time. Therefore, the date and time from which to start detecting an end delay is determined when the jobnet starts to be executed.

If you have specified monitoring of an end delay based on both the scheduled end time and the time required for execution, the earlier time is shown here.

Start delayed

Displays whether a delayed start has been specified.

End delayed

Displays whether a delayed end has been specified.

Exec. ID (Source)

Displays the execution ID of the connected jobnet connector.

A hyphen (-) is displayed for jobnets for which execution order control is not performed using jobnet connectors or for remote jobnets.

This text box displays None when execution order control is performed but no jobnet connector is connected. The text box also displays None when you do not have reference permission for the connected jobnet connector.

The text box appears only in the Monitor Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a root jobnet) and Monitor Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box (for a root remote jobnet).

Cautionary note

When the connected jobnet connector is under a scheduler service on a different host, you need to start the JP1/AJS3 service on the host with the jobnet connector beforehand.

Supplementary notes
  • The following table describes whether this text box displays the execution ID of a jobnet connector based on the status of the jobnet connector.

    Table 15‒21: Status of a jobnet connector and whether its execution ID is displayed


    Generation of connection-destination jobnet

    Status of jobnet connector

    Execution ID

    Execution order control method



    No jobnet connector is connected.



    A jobnet connector is connected.

    The jobnet connector exists.



    The jobnet connector does not exist (deleted when registration is canceled).





    A fixed execution schedule exists for a jobnet connector on the execution day of the connection-destination jobnet.

    The unit type of the jobnet connector is correct.



    The unit type of the jobnet connector is invalid.



    A dummy schedule exists for a jobnet connector on the execution day of the connection-destination jobnet.



    A dummy schedule does not exist for a jobnet connector on the execution day of the connection-destination jobnet.



    Dummy schedule





    --: Not applicable.

    Y: Displayed.

    N: None is displayed.


    When a jobnet connector is defined in a normal nested jobnet (invalid definition), Exec. ID (Source) displays the execution ID of the jobnet connector for a scheduled generation of the connection-destination jobnet. However, the jobnet enters the Ended abnormally status when it is executed, because the definition is invalid. To check whether there is any definition error, perform a definition pre-check.

  • For jobnet generations without fixed connection, the jobnet connector determines the generation to be connected and Exec. ID (Source) displays the execution ID for this generation.

    At this time, if the jobnet connector exists on a different host, the host with the jobnet communicates with the host with the jobnet connector. If the two hosts are managed by different authentication servers, login is required.

    When you click Refresh or perform automatic update while the Monitor Details dialog box is displayed, login might be required because the host obtains a connection target execution ID or connection source execution ID.

    Exec. ID (Source) displays Unknown when you click Cancel in the Login screen. When Unknown is displayed, redisplay or automatic update of the Monitor Details dialog box will not allow the host with the jobnet to communicate with the other host where the jobnet connector exists. Therefore, Unknown remains displayed.

    If you want to display an execution ID in Exec. ID (Source), click View and then Refresh to update the display.

    When the connection between the jobnet and the jobnet connector is fixed, this text box displays the execution ID of the jobnet connector without communicating with the host where the jobnet connector exists.

Exec. order method

Displays an execution order control method.

You can temporarily change the execution order control method for each generation. This text box displays a method as follows.

  • When the method is not changed:

    Follow the definition. (execution order control method) appears.

  • When the method is changed from Asynchro to Synchro:

    Synchro appears.

  • When the method is changed from Synchro to Asynchro:

    Asynchro appears.

A hyphen (-) is displayed for jobnets for which execution order control is not performed and for remote jobnets.

This text box appears only in the Monitor Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a root jobnet) and Monitor Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box (for a root remote jobnet).

Exec. ID (Destination)

Displays the execution ID of the connection-destination jobnet when you select a jobnet connector. The text box displays None when no jobnet is connected. The text box also displays None when you do not have reference permission for the connection-destination jobnet.

This text box appears only in the Monitor Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a nested jobnet), Monitor Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box (for a nested remote jobnet), and Monitor Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box.

Cautionary note

When the jobnet connector is connected to a jobnet under a scheduler service on a different host, you need to start the JP1/AJS3 service on the host where the connection-destination jobnet exist.

Supplementary notes
  • The following table describes whether this text box displays the execution ID of the connection-destination jobnet based on the status of the jobnet.

    Table 15‒22: Status of a connection-destination jobnet and whether its execution ID is displayed


    Generation of jobnet connector

    Status of connection-destination jobnet

    Execution ID



    The connection-destination jobnet is not connected.


    The connection-destination jobnet is connected.

    The connection-destination jobnet exists.


    The connection-destination jobnet does not exist (deleted when registration is canceled).




    A fixed execution schedule exits for the connection-destination jobnet on the execution day of the jobnet connector.

    The unit type of the connection-destination jobnet is correct.


    The unit type of the connection-destination jobnet is invalid.


    A dummy schedule exists for the connection-destination jobnet on the execution day of the jobnet connector.


    A dummy schedule does not exist for the connection-destination jobnet on the execution day of the jobnet connector.


    Dummy schedule




    --: Not applicable.

    Y: Displayed.

    N: None is displayed.


    When a normal root jobnet or nested jobnet is specified as the connection-destination jobnet (invalid definition), Exec. ID (Destination) displays the execution ID of the connection-destination jobnet for a scheduled generation of the jobnet connector. However, the jobnet enters the Ended abnormally status when it is executed because the definition is invalid. To check whether there is any definition error, perform a definition pre-check.

  • For generations without fixed connection, the connection-destination jobnet determines the generation to be connected and Exec. ID (Destination) displays the execution ID for this generation.

    At this time, if the connection-destination jobnet exists on a different host, the host with the jobnet connector communicates with the host with the jobnet. If the two hosts are managed by different authentication servers, login is required.

    When you click Refresh or perform automatic update while the Monitor Details dialog box is displayed, login might be required because the host obtains a connection target execution ID or connection source execution ID.

    Exec. ID (Destination) displays Unknown when you click Cancel in the Login screen. When Unknown is displayed, redisplay or automatic update of the Monitor Details dialog box will not allow the host with the jobnet connector to communicate with the other host where the connection-destination jobnet exists. Therefore, Unknown remains displayed.

    If you want to display an execution ID in Exec. ID (Destination), click View and then Refresh to update the display.

    When the connection between the jobnet connector and the connection-destination jobnet is fixed, this text box displays the execution ID of the jobnet without communicating with the host where the connection-destination jobnet exists.


If the unit has wait conditions, this field shows whether the wait conditions are satisfied.

  • If the wait conditions are not satisfied:

    Displays Yes.

  • If the wait conditions are satisfied:

    Displays None.

This field shows a hyphen if any of the following apply:

  • The unit has no wait conditions

  • The connection target is JP1/AJS2 - Manager or a version of JP1/AJS3 - Manager earlier than 09-50

  • The JP1/AJS3 - Manager database uses the compatible ISAM configuration

Execution result details

If you have selected a remote jobnet, you can click the Details button. If you click this button, the Execution Result Details dialog box appears. For more information, see 15.3.39 Execution Result Details dialog box.

Edit Def button

You see the Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box or Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box used to define detailed information about a unit. For more information, see 15.3.8 Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a root jobnet), 15.3.9 Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a nested jobnet), 15.3.10 Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box (for a root remote jobnet), or 15.3.11 Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box (for a nested remote jobnet).

Cautionary notes
  • The displayed execution status, which is acquired when the dialog box appears, may differ from the contents displayed in the list area.

  • Even for the same target unit, multiple dialog boxes appear.

  • When you display the dialog box from the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), the execution status is not automatically updated.

  • The unit start and end times display the time associated with JP1/AJS3 - Manager. To determine the actual start and end times for a jobs or other units, see the log for JP1/AJS3 - Agent.

  • Note the following when you display the Monitor Details dialog box for a generation without fixed connection with a jobnet connector or connection-destination jobnet:

    - When you specify a jobnet connector or a connection-destination jobnet on the host in a different authentication bloc as the connection destination, you might need to log in to the host containing the destination item in order to obtain an Exec. ID (Source) or Exec. ID (Destination).

    - Because the local host might need to communicate with the host containing the connection destination unit, you need to start the JP1/AJS3 service on that host beforehand. If the JP1/AJS3 service is not active, a communication error occurs. You cannot perform other operations before a communication error is detected.