Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


16.3.8 Monitoring Properties dialog box

The Monitoring Properties dialog box sets a method for monitoring the defined AJS3 unit monitored object and the intervals at which the JP1/AJS3 Console Agent (JP1/AJS3 - Manager) host posts the application monitoring status to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager. Only in the definition mode, you can set a monitor method and intervals. In the monitoring mode, you can reference the monitor method and intervals but cannot set them.

The following figure shows the Monitoring Properties dialog box.

Figure 16-13 Monitoring Properties dialog box


The following explains the display items of the Monitoring Properties dialog box.

Monitoring method
In the definition mode, you can set which generation and which status are to be acquired and displayed among several generation of the application (root jobnet) to be monitored. The default is Prioritize all unit times. You can set any of the following items:
  • Prioritize current time
    Acquires and displays the status of the highest-priority generation (the result has priority over the schedule) among the generation within 24 hours from the JP1/AJS3 standard time.
  • Prioritize all unit times
    Acquires and displays the status of the highest-priority generation (the result has priority over the schedule) among all the generation of the application to be monitored.
  • Prioritize current time schedules
    Acquires and displays the status of the highest-priority generation (the schedule has priority over the result) among the generation within 24 hours from the JP1/AJS3 standard time.
  • Prioritize all unit time schedules
    Acquires and displays the status of the highest-priority generation (the schedule has priority over the result) among all the generation of the application to be monitored.

Hold plan
If the unit to be displayed is scheduled and the hold attribute is set in the root jobnet, specify whether to display the icons and status/result color image in the "hold plan" color. You can specify this item in the definition mode. The default is Do not display. You can set any of the following hold plan types:
  • Display
    Displays the icons and status/result color image in the "hold plan" color when the hold attribute is set in the root jobnet that is scheduled to be executed.
  • Do not display
    Displays the icons and status/result color image in the Wait for starting time or Wait for start cond. status color when the hold attribute is set in the root jobnet that is scheduled to be executed.
  • Only if hold attribute changes
    You can select one of the two methods for displaying the hold plan. One method displays the hold plan only when the hold attribute is changed (when the hold attribute is "available"). Another method displays the hold attributes where the jobnet attribute is defined as "hold" when the hold attribute is "conformant to definition". Select Only if hold attribute changes when you want to display it in the "hold plan" color. You can specify Only if hold attribute changes only when you choose Display.

Monitoring interval
Specify, in seconds, the intervals at which the JP1/AJS3 Console Agent (JP1/AJS3 - Manager) host posts the application monitoring status to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager. The default is 300 seconds. You can specify a value from 30 to 3,600 (seconds).

Supplementary note
For details on Monitoring method, Hold plan, and Monitoring interval, see 7.2 Defining the applications to monitor and the monitoring method in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.