Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


16.3.7 Background Settings dialog box

The Background Settings dialog box specifies whether to display a background in the Scope window map area. Only in the definition mode, you can set a background. In the monitoring mode, you can reference a background but cannot set it.

The following figure shows the Background Settings dialog box.

Figure 16-12 Background Settings dialog box


The following explains the display items of the Background Settings dialog box.

Specify a background display method. The default is Do not display. You can specify any of the following items as the background display method:
  • Depends on upper-level business scope
    Sets the same background as set in the upper-level business scope. If the uppermost business scope is set, however, you cannot select this item.
  • Display
    Displays the background.
  • Do not display
    Does not display the background.

File name
Specify the image file name to be used as a background. You can specify this item when Display is selected in Background.
  • Text field
    In the text field, specify a file name in the folder storing background images. The file name extension that you can specify is jpg or gif. You can enter up to 255 bytes from the text field.
  • ... button
    Clicking the ... button displays the Select File dialog box. In the Select File dialog box, you can select a file from the folder storing background images. The selected file name appears in the text field.
    The default folder of background images contains image samples corresponding to the default map size (Columns: 8 objects, Rows: 10 objects).

Standard zoom percent
Specify which standard zoom is used to display the background image specified in File name. You can specify a value from 20 to 200 as the standard zoom percentage. The default is 100. You can specify Standard zoom percent when you choose Display in Background.
The following shows a measure of zooming in and out the background image.
Zoom ratio to display the background image = zoom percent/standard zoom percent
Preview button
Clicking this button displays the background image set in the Background Settings dialog box in the map area with the Background Settings dialog box opened.

Supplementary note
The following shows the default folder storing background images.
JP1/AJS3 - View-installation-folder\image\console\background
You can change the folder storing background images. For details, see 14.3.7 Changing the folder storing background images. For how to create a background image file, see 14.5.1 How to create a background image file.