Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.12.2 Menu commands

The following table lists the menu commands in the Wait Conditions Statuses window.

Table 15-62 Menu commands in the Wait Conditions Statuses window

Menu Menu command Description Dialog box to be displayed
File Close Closes the Wait Conditions Statuses window. --
Edit Select All Selects all the units in the window. --
Operations Waiting - Wait Disabled Disables waiting for the selected units with wait conditions and units whose ends are being waited for. --
Waiting - Wait Enabled Enables waiting for the selected units with wait conditions and units whose ends are being waited for. --
View Daily Schedule - Hierarchy - Unit with Wait Conditions#1 Displays the selected unit with wait conditions in the Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window. --
Daily Schedule - Hierarchy - Waiting-target unit#1, #2 Displays the selected unit whose end is being waited for in the Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window. --
Daily Schedule - All Jobs - Unit with Wait Conditions#1 Displays the selected unit with wait conditions in the Daily Schedule (All Jobs) window. --
Daily Schedule - All Jobs - Waiting-target unit#1, #2 Displays the selected unit whose end is being waited for in the Daily Schedule (All Jobs) window. --
Monthly Schedule - Unit with Wait Conditions#1 Displays the selected unit with wait conditions in the Monthly Schedule window. --
Monthly Schedule - Waiting-target unit#1, #2 Displays the selected unit whose end is being waited for in the Monthly Schedule window. --
Jobnet Monitor - Unit with Wait Conditions Displays the Jobnet Monitor window for the selected unit with wait conditions. --
Jobnet Monitor - Waiting-target unit#2 Displays the Jobnet Monitor window for the selected unit whose end is being waited for. --
List Filter Enables or disables the list filter function. --
Refresh Updates the window contents to the latest information. --
Options Preferences Configures JP1/AJS3 - View.
  • Preferences
  • Set Function Menu
  • Select Color
  • Create Color/Change Color
Save Full Unit Name - Unit with Wait Conditions Copies the full path name of the selected unit with wait conditions, including the scheduler service name, to the system clipboard.
Example: AJSROOT1:/GROUP1/net1
Save Full Unit Name - Waiting-target unit#3 Copies the full path name of the selected unit whose end is being waited for, including the scheduler service name, to the system clipboard.
Example: AJSROOT1:/GROUP1/net1
Save Csv Unit Data Saves the selected information to the system clipboard in CSV format. --
Help Help Contents Launches the Web browser, and displays the contents of online Help. --
About JP1/AJS3 - View Displays the version number of JP1/AJS3 - View. About JP1/AJS3 - View

--: Not displayed.

If the version of the connection-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager is earlier than 10-00, the message KAVV455-E is output when you execute this command.

If the unit whose end is being waited for is a planning group, the window displays the generation of the root jobnet directly under the planning group that is actually being waited for.
If the unit whose end is being waited for is under a root jobnet directly under a planning group, the window displays the generation of the root jobnet directly under the planning group that is actually being waited for.

If the unit whose end is being waited for is defined under a root jobnet directly under a planning group, the full unit name is not copied to the system clipboard. Instead, this menu command copies a character string created by removing the root jobnet name from the full name. For example, when the full name of the unit is /planning-group/root-jobnet/job, the command copies /planning-group/job to the system clipboard.