Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.7.6 Change Job Status dialog box

The Change Job Status dialog box allows you to change the status of jobs and jobnet connectors, and their return codes. The following figure shows the Change Job Status dialog box.

Figure 15-190 Change Job Status dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Job name
Displays the name of the job or jobnet connector whose status or return code you want to change.

Current status
Displays the current status of the target job or jobnet connector.

New status
Use the arrow on the right of the drop-down list to select a new status for the job or jobnet connector. The default is Does not change.
If the selected unit is a jobnet connector, only Ended normally, Ended with warning, and Ended abnormally are available.
If the selected unit is an event job, action job, or OR job, Judge by return code is not displayed.
You cannot change the status of a judgment job selected as a unit.
You can select one of the following:
  • Does not change
    Does not change job status.
  • Ended normally
    Sets job status to Ended normally.
  • Failed to start
    Sets job status to Failed to start.
  • Ended with warning
    Sets job status to Ended with warning.
  • Ended abnormally
    Sets job status to Ended abnormally.
  • Bypassed
    Sets job status to Bypassed.
  • Judge by return code
    Judges the status according to the return code, and changes it to a specified return code.

Current return code
Displays the current return code.
If the selected unit is a jobnet connector, no return code is displayed.

New return code
In the right text field, enter a new return code. By default, the return code is not changed. The default is the current return code. You can set values of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
If the selected unit is a jobnet connector, you cannot enter a return code here.

Supplementary note
You cannot change the status of a judgment job. If you specify a judgment job, choosing OK causes the message KAVV568-E to appear, indicating that the job status does not match the specified conditions.
You cannot change the status of a judgment job and the status of an event job you defined as the start condition. If you specify a judgment job and click the OK button, the message "KAVV568-E This operation cannot be executed for the specified unit's status" appears. If you specify the event job you defined for the start condition and click the OK button, the message "KAVV556-E The unit cannot be operated." appears.