Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.46 Display Item Setup dialog box

The Display Item Setup dialog box allows you to specify the columns to be displayed in the list area and their display sequence in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window). This dialog box has the following pages:

The following figure shows the Display Item Setup dialog box.

Figure 15-80 Display Item Setup dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Specify displayed items. The following shows the displayed items and their contents:

Table 15-25 Displayed items

Page name Window Displayable items
Main Window page JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window)
  • Suspend
  • Name
  • Status
  • Result
  • Type
  • Comment
  • Start time (Status)
  • Start time (Result)
  • Rerun start time (Status)
  • Rerun start time (Result)
  • End time (Status)
  • End time (Result)
  • Execution type (Status)
  • Execution type (Result)
  • Start condition (Status)
  • Start condition (Result)
  • Processing time (Status)
  • Processing time (Result)
  • Time when start delayed (Status)
  • Time when start delayed (Result)
  • Time when end delayed (Status)
  • Time when end delayed (Result)
  • Execution ID (Status)
  • Execution ID (Result)
  • Change Plan (Status)
  • Change Plan (Result)
Daily Window page
Monthly Window page
Daily Schedule window/Monthly Schedule window
  • Icon
  • Unit name
  • Start time
  • End time
  • Status
  • Rerun start time
  • Register type
  • Start condition
  • Processing time
  • Time when start delayed
  • Time when end delayed
  • Execution ID
  • Change Plan
  • Type
  • Comment
  • Retry status
  • Retry execution times
Search Window page Search window
  • Unit name
  • Upper path
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Owner
  • JP1 resource group
  • Last updated
  • Exec-agent
  • File name
  • Parameters
  • Release date
  • Release status
  • Release ID
  • Status
  • Scheduled start time
  • Start time
  • End time
  • Start delay
  • End delay
  • Hold
  • Target host
  • Execution ID
  • Reference calendar
  • Root jobnet
  • Retry execution times
  • Maximum retry times
  • Retry interval
Editor Window page Jobnet Editor window
  • Unit name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Retry settings
Monitor Window page Jobnet Monitor window
  • Unit name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Status
  • Delay status
  • Retry status
  • Retry execution times
Displayable items
Displays the items not being displayed in the list area.
Add button
Used to add the item you selected in Displayable items to Displayed items.
Delete button
Used to delete the item you selected in Displayed items from the list and then move that item to Displayable items.
Up button
Used to move the item selected in Displayed items to the next-higher row in the list.
Down button
Used to move the item selected in Displayed items to the next-lower row in the list.
Displayed items
Displays the items currently displayed in the list area in their listed order from left to right, starting at the top.

Default button
Used to return to the defaults of the items you display in the list area and the display order. Also use this button to return to the defaults of the horizontal size of an item in the list area of the window. The following shows items displayed and as standard and the display order:
  • Main Window page
    1. Suspend Window, 2. Name, 3 Status, 4. Result, 5. Type, 6. Comment,
  • Daily Window page/Monthly Window page
    1. Icon Display, 2. Unit Name, 3. Start Time, 4. End Time, 5. Status,
  • Search Window page
    1. Unit name, 2. Upper path, 3. Comment, 4. Type
  • Editor Window page
    1. Unit name, 2. Comment, 3. Type
  • Monitor Window page
    1. Unit name, 2. Comment, 3. Type 4. Status, 5. Delay status