Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.27 Register for Release dialog box

The Register for Release dialog box allows you to specify information that is required to perform release entry. The following figure shows the Register for Release dialog box.

Figure 15-54 Register for Release dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Release source
Displays the name of the release source jobnet.

Release target
Specify the full name of a release target jobnet. This text box is blank by default. You cannot specify the following characters:
  • , (comma)
  • : (colon)
  • ; (semicolon)
  • (
  • )
  • =
  • Single-byte space
  • Tab character
  • Linefeed character
When you click the ... button, the Selection of Release Target dialog box appears. In the Selection of Release Target dialog box, select a release target jobnet. Then the full name of the selected jobnet appears in Release target in the Register for Release dialog box. Note that you cannot specify the following jobnets as release targets:
  • Jobnets whose unit type is other than root jobnet
  • Jobnets whose scheduler service differs from that of the release source jobnet
  • Jobnets containing definitions in the Release entry wait, Release wait, or Delete wait status
  • Suspended jobnets
  • Jobnets being edited
  • Jobnets currently being manipulated by other users
  • Jobnets for which the user has no operation permission
  • Jobnets in the Shutdown status

Release ID
Use a character string of a maximum of 30 bytes to specify a release ID. We recommend that you specify a release ID that describes the work performed by the jobnet or changes made to the definition. You cannot specify the following characters:
  • Single-byte space
  • (
  • )
  • , (comma)
  • : (colon)
  • ; (semicolon)
  • =
  • /
  • Tab character
  • Linefeed character
  • "
  • &
  • '
  • *
  • <
  • >
  • ?
  • [
  • \
  • ]
  • ^
  • '
  • `
  • {
  • |
  • }
  • ~
Note that you cannot specify the following release IDs:
  • Release IDs that are already associated with a jobnet specified in Release target
  • Release IDs that begin with single-byte upper-case AJS

Release date
Specify the year, month, day, hour, and minute of release. The following table lists specifiable values and default values.

Table 15-13 Values that can be specified for release date

No. Time Specifiable value Default
1 Year 1994 to 2036 Current year
2 Month 1 to 12 Current month
3 Day 1 to 31 (number of days in the month) Blank
4 Hour 0 to 23 Blank
5 Minutes 0 to 59 Blank
Note that you cannot specify time before the current time.

Release comment
Use a character string of a maximum of 80 bytes to specify a comment. This text box is a blank by default. You cannot specify tab characters and linefeed characters.

Operation after registration for release
If the jobnet specified as the release target is subject to a plan change or other form of temporary change, you can display the Temporary Changes dialog box and check its contents. For details about the Temporary Changes dialog box, see 15.3.40 Temporary Changes dialog box.
Open the Temporary Changes list check box
Causes the Temporary Changes dialog box to appear when you have finished using the Register for Release dialog box. If you select this item, you can re-execute a temporary change in the Temporary Changes dialog box. For details about the procedure for re-executing a temporary change, 9.17.2 Re-executing temporary changes.
Browse button
When you click this button, the Temporary Changes dialog box appears. When accessed from the Browse button, the Temporary Changes dialog box only allows you to view a list of temporary changes, not to re-execute them.