Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.40 Temporary Changes dialog box

The Temporary Changes dialog box displays a list of temporary changes made to jobnets and jobs, such as temporary plan changes and changes to hold attributes. You can also select an operation from the list and re-execute it.

The following figure shows the Temporary Changes dialog box.

Figure 15-68 Temporary Changes dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Start date
Specifies the date from which to display temporary change information. The following table lists the specifiable values and the defaults.

Table 15-20 Specifiable values and defaults

No. Field Specifiable values Default value
1 Year 1994 to 2036
  • When you display the Temporary Changes dialog box from the following windows, the default is the date on which JP1/AJS3 - View started:
    - JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window)
    - JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window)
    - Daily Schedule window
    - Monthly Schedule window
    - Jobnet Monitor window
    - Search window
  • When you display the Temporary Changes dialog box from the Register for Release dialog box, the default is the date specified in the Register for Release dialog box.
2 Month 1 to 12
3 Day 1 to 31 (or the last day in that month)
Update button
Refreshes the contents of the temporary changes list area.

List filter
Selecting the List filter check box enables the list filter function. When you enable the list filter function, the [Figure] symbol appears next to each item in the list area.
You can narrow down the information displayed in the list area by clicking the [Figure] symbol and selecting an item from the drop-down list.

Temporary Changes list area
Displays temporary changes made since the date specified in the Start date fields.
This area displays the temporary changes for all units defined under the same root jobnet as the unit selected in the window from which the Temporary Changes dialog box was displayed.
You can sort the items in the list area by clicking the header of each column.
You can also change the column width by dragging the boundary of the column header sideways. Changes you make to column widths are retained after JP1/AJS3 - View shuts down.
You can filter the information in the list area by clicking the [Figure] symbol in each column header. List filter settings (whether list filtering is enabled and what information is filtered) are retained after JP1/AJS3 - View shuts down.
Shows whether the temporary change has been re-executed.
Blank: Indicates that the temporary change has not been re-executed.
Operation completed: Indicates that the temporary change has been re-executed.
Unit name
The names of the units defined under the same root jobnet as the unit selected in the window from which the Temporary Changes dialog box was displayed.
This unit is the target when you re-execute the temporary change.
Upper path
Displays the path for the upper-level unit, including the scheduler service name.
Root jobnet
Displays the name of the root jobnet associated with the unit.
Scheduled start
Displays the scheduled start date of the unit.
This column displays the YYYYMMDD component of each unit's execution registration number (YYYYMMDDnnn) in the format YYYY/MM/DD.
Seq. No.
Displays the nnn component of each unit's execution registration number (YYYYMMDDnnn)
Operation type
Displays the type of temporary change applied to each unit, as one of the following:
  • Change Time
  • Execute Immediately
  • Execution Prohibited
  • Release Change
  • Change Hold Attribute
  • Change Delay Monitor
  • Change Priority
  • Change Execution Order Method
  • Change Wait Condition Settings
  • Command
Operation time
The date and time at which the temporary change was executed or re-executed, in the format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.
Operation user
The name of the JP1 user who executed or re-executed the temporary change.
If the temporary change was re-executed more than once, this column displays the name of the JP1 user who last performed the operation.
Operation details
Displays detailed information about the temporary change.
Supplementary notes
  • The contents of the list area are refreshed when:
    - The Temporary Changes dialog box opens
    - You click the Update button
    - Re-execution of a temporary change is successfully completed
  • When re-execution of a temporary change is successfully completed, the temporary changes are deselected.

Select All button
Selects all the temporary changes.

Save button
Copies the selected temporary changes to the clipboard in CSV format.
A maximum of 1,000 temporary changes can be copied to the clipboard at one time.

Re-execute button
Re-executes the selected temporary changes. If multiple changes are selected, the system re-executes the changes in ascending order of their operation time.