Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.25 Variables Used dialog box

The Variables Used dialog box lists all macro variables used in a particular unit. The following figure shows the Variables Used dialog box.

Figure 15-52 Variables Used dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Lists the macro variable names used in the target root jobnet and its subordinate units. It does not display the macro variable names for units defined under remote jobnets.
Multiple macro variables in a single definition item are displayed on more than one line. The same also applies when one particular macro variable is repeated in a single definition item.
Select an item from a displayed list of items and click the OK button to set a macro variable name in Variable in the Register Passing Information dialog box on the calling side.
Unit name
When the unit is a nested jobnet or a job, its name appears as a relative path from the root jobnet.
For example, nest/job is displayed when the full path name of the root jobnet is /root and the full path name of the job is /root/nest/job.
If variables are used in the root jobnet itself, the name of the root jobnet appears in parentheses. For example, (root) is displayed when the full path name of the root jobnet is /root.
If an operation covers multiple selected root jobnets, the name of the root jobnet itself is also displayed.
Used in
Where to use a macro variable name is displayed by the keyword for the unit definition parameter. For details about the unit definition parameter, see 4.2 Definition format and parameters in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.
The macro variable name is displayed in the format of ?AJS2xxxxx?.