Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.24 Register Passing Information dialog box

In the Register Passing Information dialog box, you can register or change passing information. The following figure shows the Register Passing Information dialog box.

Figure 15-51 Register Passing Information dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Specify the macro variable name without the first five characters (?AJS2) and last character (?), as a character string of no more than 58 bytes. You can use upper-case alphabetic characters (A to Z), numeric characters (0 to 9), and periods (.).
... button
Use this button to select a macro variable name used in an existing unit in the same root jobnet. When you click this button, the Variables Used dialog box appears in which you can select a macro variable name. For details, see 15.3.25 Variables Used dialog box.

Passing Info
Specify passing information by using a character string of up to 255 bytes.
Cautionary note
In Passing Info, do not specify return or tab strokes, or any machine-dependent characters. Doing so may prevent the specified information from being passed correctly when jobnets are registered for execution.

Supplementary note
The maximum number of bytes that can be entered as a variable name or an item of passing information is 4,085, which covers both the variable name and passing information for the target unit.