Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.19 Waiting Condition Settings dialog box

The Waiting Condition Settings dialog box assigns a wait condition to a unit. The following figure shows the Waiting Condition Settings dialog box.

Figure 15-43 Waiting Condition Settings dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Unit name
Displays the name of the unit to which the wait condition is to be assigned. You cannot edit this item.

Waiting-target units
In this area, you can add, change, or delete units whose ends are to be waited for. A list of such units appears in the list box.
Waiting-target unit
Displays the names of units whose ends are to be waited for.
Add button
Adds a unit whose end is to be waited for. When you click the Add button, the Waiting-Target Unit Settings dialog box appears. This button is inactive if the unit to which you are assigning the wait condition for has been registered for execution and is not suspended.
Change button
Changes a unit selected in the Waiting-target units area. When you click the Change button, the Waiting-Target Unit Settings dialog box appears.
This button is inactive when:
  • No unit is selected in the Waiting-target units area
  • Multiple units are selected in the Waiting-target units area
  • The unit to which you are assigning the wait condition has been registered for execution and is not suspended
Delete button
Deletes the selected unit from the Waiting-target units area. This button is inactive when no unit is selected in the Waiting-target units area, and when the unit to which you are assigning the wait condition has been registered for execution and is not suspended.

Wait method
Specify the wait method that applies when more than one unit whose end is to be waited for is assigned to the unit with wait conditions. The default is AND. This item is inactive if there are no units listed in the Waiting-target units area, or the unit to which you are assigning the wait condition has been registered for execution and is not suspended.
You can choose either of the following wait methods:
  • AND
    The wait condition is satisfied when all units whose ends are being waited for finish executing.
  • OR
    The wait condition is satisfied when any one of the units whose ends are being waited for finishes executing.

No generations to wait for
Select whether the unit with wait conditions continues waiting for the wait condition to be satisfied or executes immediately when there are no applicable generations of the units whose ends are being waited for. The default is Do not execute. This item is inactive if there are no units listed in the Waiting-target units area, or the unit to which you are assigning the wait condition has been registered for execution and is not suspended.
You can configure the unit to behave in either of the following ways when there are no applicable generations:
  • Do not execute
    The unit continues waiting for the wait condition to be satisfied.
  • Execute
    The unit starts executing immediately, without waiting for units whose ends are being waited for to finish executing.

A jobnet with start conditions is waiting
When designating a jobnet with a start condition as a unit whose end is being waited for, specify the conditions under which the jobnet with a start condition is considered to have finished executing.
When Unmonitored + Ended
Select whether a monitoring generation is considered to have ended when the generation enters Unmonitored + Ended status. The default is Do not execute.
This item is inactive if there are no units listed in the Waiting-target units area, or the unit to which you are assigning the wait condition has been registered for execution and is not suspended.
  • Do not execute
    A monitoring generation that enters Unmonitored + Ended status is not considered to have finished executing. The wait condition is not satisfied and the unit with wait conditions does not start executing until the monitoring generation finishes executing, even if the execution generation has already finished.
  • Execute
    A monitoring generation that enters Unmonitored + Ended status is considered to have finished executing. When all execution and monitoring generations have finished executing, the wait condition is satisfied and the unit with wait conditions will start.
Abnormal end for an execution generation
Select whether an execution generation is considered to have ended when it terminates abnormally. The default is Do not execute.
This item is inactive if there are no units listed in the Waiting-target units area, or the unit to which you are assigning the wait condition has been registered for execution and is not suspended.
  • Do not execute
    An execution generation that terminates abnormally is not considered to have finished executing. The wait condition is not satisfied and the unit with wait conditions does not start executing until the execution generation finishes executing, even if the monitoring generation has already finished. However, if the Start when skipped so not exe. check box is selected, the execution generation is considered to have finished executing when it enters Skipped so not exe. status. The Start when skipped so not exe. check box is cleared by default.
  • Execute
    An execution generation is considered to have finished executing when it terminates abnormally. When the monitoring generation and all execution generations have finished executing, the wait condition is satisfied regardless of the end status of the execution generation, and the unit with wait conditions will start.