Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.18 Schedule Rule Repetition Settings dialog box

The Schedule Rule Repetition Settings dialog box defines the details of a repetition setting that allows you to define schedule rules that start a jobnet at regular intervals. The following figure shows the Schedule Rule Repetition Settings dialog box.

Figure 15-42 Schedule Rule Repetition Settings dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Repetition settings
Select whether to define a repetition setting for the schedule rule. The default is Yes.
  • Yes
    Select this option to define schedule rules that repeat a jobnet at regular intervals.
  • No
    Select this option if you do not want to apply a repetition setting to the schedule rule, or want to reset a repetition setting. If you select No, Start interval and Last start time become inactive.

Start interval
Specify the interval, in minutes, by which to offset the start time of each schedule rule defined by the repetition setting. You can specify a value from 10 to 120. This field is blank by default.

Last start time
Specify the start time of the last schedule rule defined by the repetition setting in the hh:mm format. You can specify a value from 0 to 47 for hh, and a value from 0 to 59 for mm. By default, both fields are blank.
If you specified an absolute time for Start time in the Schedule Rule dialog box, the time you specify in this field is handled as an absolute time. If you specified a relative time for Start time, the time is handled as a relative time.

Supplementary note
The information you enter in the Schedule Rule Repetition Settings dialog box remains in effect until you return to the Schedule Settings dialog box by clicking the OK or Cancel button in the Schedule Rule dialog box.