Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


13.5.1 Monitoring objects

At log in or when switching to the monitoring mode, the all monitored objects are displayed in the No Status status. As the status of a monitored object can be acquired, its icon is asynchronously displayed in the display color having been assigned for the status. According to the specification in the Preferences dialog box, when you place the cursor closer to an icon, the status name appears in the tool tip. For details on setting, see 16.3.10 Preferences dialog box.

When monitoring a specific object with the status name always displayed or when checking why the status of an object became unknown, display the Detail Information dialog box. However, you can find the cause of status unknown only for AJS3 unit monitored objects.

Select the target object in the map area and choose View and then Detailed Information. If the selected object is an AJS3 unit monitored object, the Detail Information - [AJS3 Unit Monitored Objects] dialog box appears. If it is a business scope, the Detail Information - [Business Scope] dialog box appears.

Figure 13-11 Detail Information - [AJS3 Unit Monitored Objects] dialog box


For each object under a business scope, select the business scope and choose View and then Open. You can check the contents of the business scope in the current window.

Alternatively, choosing View and then Open Other Window enables to display the information on the business scope in another window.

Supplementary notes
  • In the Detail Information dialog box, you can specify in which window, the current window or another window, the double-clicked business scope. For details see 16.3.10 Preferences dialog box.
  • You can modify the display zoom of the map area by choosing View and then Zoom. For details, see 16.3.9 Zoom dialog box.
  • You can modify the icon display color or create a new display color by choosing Options and then Color Settings. For details, see 16.3.11 Color Settings dialog box, 16.3.12 Select Color dialog box, and 16.3.13 Create Color / Change Color dialog box.
  • By choosing File and then New Window, you can display the business scope currently displayed in another window (Sub Scope window).
  • Choosing View and then Refresh in the Main Scope window displays the latest information of the monitored object. In the JP1/AJS3 Console Agent to be monitored, after notifying of the status at the time of Refresh, it acquires the status after the monitoring interval specified by the Monitoring Properties dialog box elapses.