Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


16.3.10 Preferences dialog box

The Preferences dialog box customizes the JP1/AJS3 Console View operating environment. This dialog box has the following four pages:

The settings made in the Preferences dialog box become effective for each of the machines on which JP1/AJS3 Console View is started. The Operations page and Window page become effective for each JP1 user.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Login page
(2) Operations page
(3) Window page
(4) Other page

(1) Login page

The Login page sets automatic login. To enable login without displaying the Login screen before starting JP1/AJS3 Console View, set the JP1/AJS3 Console Manager host to which you will log in, JP1 user, and password in advance. The following figure shows the Login page.

Figure 16-15 Preferences dialog box (Login page)


The following explains the display items of the Login page.

Auto login
Set whether to automatically log in to the JP1/AJS3 Console Manager host.
Auto login
To automatically log in to the JP1/AJS3 Console Manager host before starting JP1/AJS3 Console View, choose Yes. To display the Login screen and log in by entering the JP1 user name, password, and host to connect, choose No.
The default is No.
When you choose Yes, set User name, Password, and Host to connect (choosing Yes enables you to set User name, Password, and Host to connect).
User name
Specify the JP1 user name that you use to automatically log in to the JP1/AJS3 Console Manager host.
Choosing Yes from Auto login enables you to set User name.
Specify the JP1 user password that you use to log in to the JP1/AJS3 Console Manager host. The characters you enter are not displayed; and appear as asterisks (*).
Choosing Yes from Auto login enables you to set Password.
Host to connect
Specify the host name or IP address of the JP1/AJS3 Console Manager host to which you want to automatically log in.
Choosing Yes from Auto login enables you to set Host to connect.

(2) Operations page

The Operations page sets the operations of the Scope window that appears when you double-click the AJS3 unit monitored object or business scope or when you start JP1/AJS3 - View. The following figure shows the Operations page.

Figure 16-16 Preferences dialog box (Operations page)


The following explains the display items of the Operations page.

Mouse operations
Set operations in the map area of the Scope window.
Double-click an AJS3 unit monitoring object
Select the operation performed when you double-click the AJS3 unit monitored object. The default is Show Detailed Info. or Define Details. You can select any of the following items:
  • Show Detailed Info. or Define Details
    Selecting this item in the monitoring mode displays the Detail Information - [AJS3 Unit Monitored Objects] dialog box. Selecting this item in the definition mode displays the Define Details-[AJS3 Unit Monitored Objects] dialog box.
  • Start JP1/AJS3 - View
    Selecting this item starts JP1/AJS3 - View. You can set the window displayed when JP1/AJS3 - View is started in When JP1/AJS3 - View starts.
When JP1/AJS3 - View starts
Select the window that you want to display when starting JP1/AJS3 - View. The default is Show JP1/AJS3 - View window. You can select any of the following items:
  • Show JP1/AJS3 - View window
    Selecting this item displays the JP1/AJS3 - View window.
  • Show Jobnet Monitor window
    Selecting this item displays the Jobnet Monitor window.
Double-click a business scope (Monitoring Mode)
Select the operation performed when you double-click the business scope icon from the map area in the monitoring mode. The default is Open current window.
  • Open current window
    Displays the contents of the selected business scope in the current window.
  • Open other window
    Displays the contents of the selected business scope in another window.
Supplementary note
Setting of When JP1/AJS3 - View starts is applied when you start JP1/AJS3 - View by double-clicking the AJS3 unit monitored object or clicking the Open Window button from the Detail Information - [AJS3 Unit Monitored Objects] dialog box.

(3) Window page

The Window page sets how to display a name and comment in the map area of the Scope window and the contents of the tool tips displayed when you position the mouse cursor at an icon in the map area.

The following figure shows the Window page.

Figure 16-17 Preferences dialog box (Window page)


The following explains the display items of the Window page.

Map area
Specify how to display an object name and comment in the map area of the Scope window and what to display in tool tips.
Name new line
To feed lines by the specified number of characters and display the object name in the map area, select Selected. To automatically feed lines so that the object name is displayed within the icon width range, select Not selected.
Selecting Selected enables you to specify Characters per line.
Characters per line
Specify the number of characters by which lines are fed with a single-byte character (0 to 9).
Selecting Selected from Name new line enables you to specify Characters per line.
You can specify 1 to 30 (character). The default is blank.
Supplementary note
If you select Selected in Name new line, an object name that is longer than the width of the map area will be automatically continued on to the next line regardless of the specification of Characters per line.
Display comments
To display a comment in the map area of the Scope window, select Yes. Not to display a comment, select No. The default is No.
Selecting Yes enables you to specify Displayed characters, Characters per line, and Hide comment when.
Displayed characters
Specify the number of characters of the comment to be displayed with a single-byte number (0 to 9).
Selecting Yes in Display comments enables you to specify Displayed characters.
You can specify 1 to 80 (character). The default is 80 (character).
You can display a comment by the number of characters specified here.
New line character
Specify, with a character, the position where line feed is applied to the comment to be displayed in the map area. The following shows the line feed characters that you can select from the dropdown list. Selecting Yes from Display comments enables you to set New line character.
  • None
  • " " (space)
  • - (hyphen)
  • . (period)
  • , (comma)
  • : (colon)
  • ; (semicolon)
The default is " " (space). If " " (space) is selected, no comment is displayed in the map area. If None is selected, line feed is not applied.
Hide comment when
Selecting Yes from Display comments enables you to set Hide comment when.
Selecting a symbol from the dropdown list here enables you to hide any object comment even if Yes is selected from Display comments.
To hide only the comment of an object, set the symbol selected here at the beginning of the character string to be entered as a comment from Comment in the Define Details dialog box.
The following shows the items that you can select here. The default is None.
  • None
  • #
  • @
  • % (percent)
  • &
  • * (asterisk)
If None is selected, JP1/AJS3 Console View does not hide the comment even if you set #, @, %, &, or * at the beginning of the comment in the AJS3 unit monitored object.
Display tooltip (Monitoring Mode)
Specify the contents of tool tips displayed when you move the cursor to an object icon. The following shows the items that you can specify here. The default is Comment.
  • Comment
    Sets the display contents of tool tips as a comment.
  • Status name
    Sets the display contents of tool tips as the status name.

Supplementary note
You can also hide tool tips. For details, see 14.3.5 Showing or hiding a tool tip.

(4) Other page

The Other page sets the troubleshoot and the upper limits of log file. The following figure shows the Other page.

Figure 16-18 Preferences dialog box (Other page)


The following explains the display items of the Other page.

Set a trace level and the upper limit of the log file.
Trace level
Select the level of the information to be output to the log file. You can specify 1, 3, and 5 as the trace level. The default is 3.
The contents of each trace level are as follows:
  • Trace level 1
    Outputs error information to the log file.
  • Trace level 3
    Outputs error information and information for identifying what action the user took to the log file.
  • Trace level 5
    Outputs error information, information for identifying what action the user took, and the contents of send/receive data to the log file.
For details on the information to be output to the log file, see 1.2.3 Trace log in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting.
Max. log file size
Specify the upper limit of the log file in megabytes. You can specify 1 to 512 as the upper limit. The default is 1.
For details about estimating the log file size, see 3.4.5 Estimating the size of log files for JP1/AJS3 - View in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

Supplementary note
The following table shows when the contents set by each page of the Preferences dialog box become effective.

Table 16-5 When settings made by each page become effective

Tab name Item When settings become effective
Login Auto login When you log in to JP1/AJS3 Console View the next time
Operations Double-click an AJS3 unit monitoring object After you click the OK button in the Preferences dialog box
When JP1/AJS3 - View starts After you click the OK button in the Preferences dialog box
Window Name new line After you click the OK button in the Preferences dialog box
Display comments After you click the OK button in the Preferences dialog box
Display tooltip After you click the OK button in the Preferences dialog box
Other Trace level After you click the OK button in the Preferences dialog box
Max. log file size After you click the OK button in the Preferences dialog box