Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


12.3.1 Logging in to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager from JP1/AJS3 Console View

This subsection describes how to log in to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager at Tokyo headquarters from JP1/AJS3 Console View and display the Main Scope window (monitoring mode).

To log in to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager:

  1. From the Start menu in Windows, choose Programs, JP1_Automatic Job Management System 3 - View, and then Application Monitoring.
    The following Login screen appears.

    Figure 12-2 Login screen


  2. Enter information required to log into JP1/AJS3 Console Manager.
    The information required to log in is as follows:
    User name
    Type the JP1 user name that has been registered in the authentication server and is used to log into JP1/AJS3 Console Manager. In this example, type user1.
    Type the password for user1.
    Host to connect
    Type the name of a JP1/AJS3 Console Manager host to which you want to log in. In this example, type host1.
  3. Click the OK button.
    The following Main Scope window (monitoring mode) appears.

    Figure 12-3 Main Scope window (monitoring mode)


  4. Choose Mode and then Definition Mode.
    Icon list is displayed, and then the Main Scope window enters the definition mode.
    The figure below shows the Main Scope window (definition mode).

    Figure 12-4 Main Scope window (definition mode)
