Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


12.3 Operations to be performed in the example

In this example, you will perform the following operations:

  1. Log in to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager from JP1/AJS3 Console View.
    Start JP1/AJS3 Console View, log in to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager, and open the Main Scope window (monitoring mode).
  2. Define the applications to be monitored.
    Define a business scope that groups the applications to be monitored, and define the AJS3 unit monitored objects.
  3. Monitor the applications.
    Monitor the status of the applications.
  4. Re-execute an application that has failed due to an error.
    Re-execute an application when you have discovered during monitoring that it has terminated abnormally.
Organization of this section
12.3.1 Logging in to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager from JP1/AJS3 Console View
12.3.2 Defining the applications to be monitored
12.3.3 Monitoring the application
12.3.4 Re-executing an abnormally ended application