Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


11.3.7 Prohibiting changes to definition items in the Define Details dialog box

You can disable definition items in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box to prohibit changes to the items.

Specify from:
Set Default Values dialog box


To prohibit changes to definition items:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, choose Options and then Set Default Values.
    The Set Default Values dialog box appears.
  2. In the Set Default Values dialog box, in the tree area, select the definition item to which you do not want to permit changes.
    The setting item area displays the settings for the definition item selected in the tree area.
  3. In the setting item area, select the Change is not permitted check box.
  4. Click the OK button.
    The Set Default Values dialog box closes. The setting takes effect the next time you open the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box.

Supplementary notes
  • This operation is available for the following dialog boxes. For details, see 15.3.47 Set Default Values dialog box.
    - Define Details - [Job Group] dialog box
    - Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a root jobnet)
    - Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a nested jobnet)
    - Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box (for a root remote jobnet)
    - Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box (for a nested remote jobnet)
    - Define Details - [Planning Group] dialog box
    - Define Details - [Start Condition] dialog box
    - Define Details - [UNIX Job] dialog box
    - Define Details - [PC Job] dialog box
    - Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box
    - Define Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box
    - Define Details - [OR Job] dialog box
    - Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box
    - Define Details - [Passing Information Setting Job] dialog box
  • If a unit is created while the Change is not permitted check box is selected, the user-specified default values or the system default values are used.